Thursday, April 28, 2011

Adolf Hitler & Malaysian Politic

Recently our Chief Minister of Penang, Lim Guan Eng was being criticized on his Easter Message. The following was the full message:

Easter Message 2011

In this holy Easter celebration to mark the crucification of Jesus Christ and the Lord Jesus resurrection, is also an occasion to to renew Christians’ vows of faith in truth, hope and love.

Christians regardless of skin colour have prayed for peace and prosperity. Christians have also prayed for wisdom and compassion in our leaders. Most important of all Christians pray for truth to guide Malaysians in our daily affairs.
All religions celebrate these common values of truth, unity in diversity, freedom of choice and peace. We must seek truth from facts and not allow sentiments to be ruled by blind emotion.

To all Christians, I wish you a very happy and blessed Easter.

If we are to be one united nation, we must learn to share, we must believe in equality and equal opportunity. We must believe in justice.

Stop the characterization of the Holy Scriptures by the Home Ministry as threats to national security and public order. Stop restrictions on the right of Christians to use any language to worship. Stop the stamping of Malay bibles which is an act of dishonouring the Holy bible.

We need to change. Change for the better. To change is difficult but not to change is fatal. We need a change of mindset of treating every Malaysian as facing common problems and aspirations. We must celebrate our differences and our diversity.
We should move away from the mindtrap of fear based on hate, racism, extremism. We should not be taught to fear diversity. We should not be brainwashed with Hitlerian ideas that one is superior to another merely because of the colour of our skin.
We must have the courage to change.

Malaysians are ready to embrace change; change for the better. Malaysians no longer want to live under a situation where freedom is curtailed, human rights infringed, and abuse of power, corruption and mismanagement are rampant.
In the recent Sarawak state election, Sarawakians have decided that enough is enough. Sarawakians want good governance, end to corruption, empowered by democracy, equal opportunity and justice for all.

Just as Easter signifies a renewal of life, Faith, hope and love can drive home a victory against ignorance, fear and oppression.

Let us fill our hearts with faith, hope and love by discarding those with racial prejudices and hatred or who preach the language of violence and division. Then only can we realise the ideals and aspirations in the Malaysian Constitution of forging one nation.


As I looked at his message, word by word, I have found no wrong in his message.

Statement of Change to accept Differences and Diversity

The only wrong or mistake, if any, is his mention of "Hitlerian ideas - that one is superior to another merely because of the colour of our skin". That was the wrong highlighted by the blog and Utusan Malaysia.

"We need to change. Change for the better. To change is difficult but not to change is fatal. We need a change of mindset of treating every Malaysian as facing common problems and aspirations. We must celebrate our differences and our diversity.
We should move away from the mindtrap of fear based on hate, racism, extremism. We should not be taught to fear diversity. We should not be brainwashed with Hitlerian ideas that one is superior to another merely because of the colour of our skin.
We must have the courage to change".

If we digest his message word by word, sentence by sentence, and to understand the whole passage on the message he desire to deliver, we will understand what he was talking about. The statement is clear, a message of change; after the message for change, he re-emphasized that, "We should not be taught to fear diversity. We should not be brainwashed with Hitlerian ideas that one is superior to another merely because of the colour of our skin. We must have the courage to change".

Any ordinary person will not see anything wrong with the statement. It was a fair statement. "We should move away from the mindtrap of fear based on hate, racism, extremism"; this is a criteria for a democracy, a foundation for our nation building, we should all against hate, racism and extremism in a multiracial and multi-religion county like Malaysia. It is nothing wrong, unless you do not agree with the statement.

"We should not be taught to fear diversity",this is positive message for country with diversity, Malaysia was found based on diversity, why should we fear? so anyone who taught to fear diversity, is against the spirit of "1 Malaysia" by the Prime Minister. He is against the spirit of nation founding of Malaysia. So, nothing wrong with the sentence.

The critic of his message, focused on the statement; " We should not be brainwashed with Hitlerian ideas that one is superior to another merely because of the colour of our skin". That statement touched the sensitivity of the critic. The name of Adolf Hitler was mentioned, that negative icon of Nazism during the World War 2, the bad man called Adolf Hitler. But if you delete the name of Adolf Hitler, the sentence is ;

"We should move away from the mindtrap of fear based on hate, racism, extremism. We should not be taught to fear diversity. We should not be brainwashed with ideas that one is superior to another merely because of the colour of our skin. "

That is also a fair statement, a statement of fairness promoted by all religion; he ask us to follow our religion that we should be a racist, extremist, and full of hate. No audience will go against this statement, which is positive and a call to move away from extreme. To be aware of the people who are extremist, racist, and full of hate; that is good message.....

There was no sign of race baiting. By the way the term "race baiting" is also used in as a synonym for "playing the race card" in American politics to refer to situations where one politician accuses another of being a racist. Race baiting is any form of speech, actions, or other forms of communication, to anger, intimidate or incite a person or race of other people or in simplicity, the making of verbal attacks against members of a racial group. Did you find any race baiting in Lim Guan Eng's Easter 2011 message?...

But the word "Hitlerian ideas", was treated as ugly by one of the editor of the main stream press, and blogger. Lim Guan Eng was rebuked in a pro-Umno blog Minda Intelek Melayu which accused Lim of claiming that the country adopted and practiced racial supremacy the way Nazi Germany did under Hitler in the 1940s. Utusan Malaysia highlighted it in their editorial column. That was the out cry from some politician...the political games again started, and it was a sign that federal election is coming close.....

What is Hilterian ideas in Lim Guan Eng's mind ?

We cannot speak for Lim Guan Eng, what is Hilterian ideas, as it will be a broad study on philosophy and political ideas of Adolf Hitler. But since he was talking about "Hitlerian ideas - that one is superior to another merely because of the colour of our skin". It must be related to racial issue of Adolf Hitler's ideas. Lim Guan Eng is using the word "Hilterian ideas" to describe and emphasis on the racial fairness and unity in diversity, which is a good and fair statement, and will be acceptable if the message is deliver in any country(democratic country) in the world.....

Wikipedia do have an article on Nazism and race, the extract from the article on the supremacy of Aryan race, as follow;

Nazism developed several theories concerning races. The Nazis claimed to scientifically measure a strict hierarchy among "human race"; at the top was the master race, the "Aryan race", narrowly defined by the Nazis as being identical with the Nordic race, followed by lesser races.

At the bottom of this hierarchy were "parasitic" races (of non-"Aryan" origin) or "Untermenschen" ("sub-humans"), which were perceived to be dangerous to society. In Nazi literature, the term "under man" ('Untermensch') was applied to the Slavs, especially including Russians, Serbs (from South Slavic group), and ethnic Poles.[1] Nazi ideology viewed Slavs as a racially inferior group, who were fit for enslavement, or even extermination.[2] About 2 million non-Jewish ethnic Poles were killed by Nazi Germany.[3][4] Lowest of all in the Nazi racial policy were Gypsies and Jews, who were both eventually deemed to be "Lebensunwertes Leben" ("Life unworthy of life") and to be exterminated during the Holocaust (see Raul Hilberg's description of the various phases of the Holocaust). Not to be forgotten, Hitler did have people of Jewish descent working for him. Coined as mischling (or 'Half-Jews'), they were often employed in the Wehrmacht, although they were not allowed to be soldiers after 1940. One mischling, Werner Goldberg, was even called "The Ideal German Soldier" by German newspapers.

Hitler starting as soon as he took power his program of selection of population — a real biopolitics — with the July 1933 "Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring" and the T-4 Euthanasia Program which would terminate in the Holocaust; and the Marxist line, which transformed the essentialist notion of "race" into the historical concept of class struggle.

(source: Nazism and race, wikipedia)

This article on state racism may also be helpful to understand the issue of race baiting accusation.

State racism is a concept used by French philosopher Michel Foucault to designate the reappropriation of the historical and political discourse of "race struggle", in the late seventeenth century.

It also refers to a type of institutional racism promoted by a government. Examples include Apartheid in South Africa, Jewish-Non-Jewish segregation in Israel, and racial segregation in the United States, as well as any systemic or community-based racism in local, state or federal law enforcement (see also racial profiling).
Affirmative action measures are sometimes accused of being a form of state racism, especially when they favour an ethnic majority.

Affirmative action refers to policies that take factors including "race, color, religion, gender , or national origin"[1] into consideration in order to benefit an underrepresented group, usually as a means to counter the effects of a history of discrimination. The focus of such policies ranges from employment and education to public contracting and health programs

(source: wikipedia)

This was the critic and their responses:

1. Apakah patut Lim Guan Eng menuduh pihak lain menggunakan idea-idea Hitler? Apakah benar negara ini mengamalkan satu lebih unggul dari yang lain kerana warna kulit?

Kenyataan Lim Guan Eng itu ternyata berbau hasutan dan berat sebelah. Adalah tidak masuk akal apabila segala yang terbina dalam negara ini berdasarkan kepada idea-idea Hitler !!

Jika ya, tidak mungkin ada kaum lain yang lebih cemerlang daripada kaum Melayu dan Bumiputera. Tetapi perkara itu tidak pernah terjadi tetapi Lim Guan Eng berfikiran demikian!

Kenapa? Apakah Lim Guan Eng dan DAP masih terperangkap di dalam kepompong rasis dan perkauman beliau? Atau parti DAP cuba sengaja mengapi-apikan perkauman di antara rakyat negara ini?

Dan adalah kurang sopan jika Guan Eng sanggup menuduh pihak lain mengamalkan idea Hitler walau pun ianya jauh sekali daripada benar!

2. Setiausaha Agung DAP, Lim Guan Eng hari ini dikecam apabila dikatakan cuba menggambarkan seolah-olah negara ini mengamalkan idea Hitler iaitu seseorang itu lebih unggul dari yang lain kerana warna kulit.

Idea berkenaan menurut blog Minda Intelek Melayu (M.i.M), dilontarkan oleh Guan Eng dalam perutusan beliau sempena sambutan Hari Easter 2011 seperti yang disiarkan menerusi laman blognya semalam.

Kenyataan Guan Eng itu, kata blog berkenaan, berbaur hasutan dan berat sebelah kerana adalah tidak masuk akal apabila segala yang terbina dalam negara ini adalah berdasarkan kepada idea-idea Hitler.

''Jika benar, tidak mungkin ada kaum lain yang lebih cemerlang daripada kaum Melayu dan Bumiputera. Perkara itu tidak pernah terjadi tetapi Guan Eng berfikiran sedemikian!," kata blog itu menerusi entri terbaru seperti yang disiarkan di, hari ini.

Now, who is race baiting?.....readers should read the original message, decided on your own. Avoid reading any articles or comments by people with political agenda.

Who is race baiting, who has politicize the simple message?....

Statement of Historical events

Another wrong highlighted by the blog was the statement:

"Stop the characterization of the Holy Scriptures by the Home Ministry as threats to national security and public order. Stop restrictions on the right of Christians to use any language to worship. Stop the stamping of Malay bibles which is an act of dishonoring the Holy bible".

I found nothing wrong with the statement, as it is the statement summarized the events that happen sometime ago. You can said it is a truth story that happen in Malaysia. The summary of events can be extracted from any daily newspaper in Malaysia of all languages. If you do not believe in Malaysian newspapers, then you can find it in all websites of reputable global newspapers. Or may be you do not believe in mass media, then you can always found it in any social media, blogs, or web articles. So, nothing wrong with it, it is a statement to summarize what actually happen. If you find this statement wrong, may be it should not be telling the truth to the people; but people of the group who have suffered from the events will still remember the events.....may be like many things that happen in the past, we should hide inside the carpets and remain silence, pretending nothing happen......
May be Lim Guan Eng is wrong to use the word "Stop", he should be more polite to say " Let us stop" or " Let us plead" or.....but he is a politician and vocal person, it is not political slogan in pre-election political rally, there is no shouting and emotional out pour like Sarawak election. I am sure he know how to respect the religious people in the church, and not shouting like political rally. In this statement, he was actually emphasis and bringing on the past events that happened, which was not good for the sensitivity of the people of the particular faith. He shared with their feeling. There is nothing wrong.

Finally it is message of Change

The core of the message is talking about change and he even mentioned "Malaysians are ready to embrace change; change for the better. Malaysians no longer want to live under a situation where freedom is curtailed, human rights infringed, and abuse of power, corruption and mismanagement are rampant", the statement I am sure is the same outcry of all Malaysian, regardless of race, religion, and political inclination. The Prime Minister also called for Change, the "One Malaysian" concept is the program of change.

A positive message, with or without Adolf Hitler

It is a message of peace,love, and hope...and a message of change for better...

Finally in conclusion, he rightly stated that "Just as Easter signifies a renewal of life, Faith, hope and love can drive home a victory against ignorance, fear and oppression". That is his message of Easter, and nothing wrong.

Anyhow, the statement was addressed to the audience in the church celebrating Easter or readers reading his message in his personal blog. It is a private event,only the audience who come into the church or visit his blog/website, will receive the message. If you feel offense by the statement, as you support the action of the government on the issue, then do not read it. It is freedom of choice and expression. If the statement is criminal or against the national law, then report it to the police or charge him in court. We are living in democratic country, there are always legal procedures for grievances.

Readers should read the comment by Lim Guan Eng himself, and understand what is in his mind; before making any judgmental statement. This blogger do not want to comment on his statement in Guan Eng: Is opposing Hitler wrong?,( remain in neutrality.Readers can decide for yourself actually what were the issue and agenda of all the fuss on Adolf Hitler.....

In the same spirit by ruling party

For reader's information, the ruling party was once using the name of Adolf Hitler to describe Lim Guan Eng sometime ago....

He(Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Senator Koh Tsu Koon) criticised Guan Eng's approach to the matter as being simplistic, saying that as an accountant, the latter should realise that many factors must be considered before a decision is taken by the government.

“Of course he (Guan Eng) can give speeches like (former Indonesian leader) Sukarno and (German dictator Adolf) Hitler, he is clever to talk. But what is the solution?” he queried.

Former PKR Bayan Baru parliamentarian Zahrain Hashim (right), who has since become independent, had earlier this year called Guan Eng a "dictator, a chauvinist and communist-minded".

(source: Gerakan: Guan Eng a 'Hitler', Kit Siang 'desperate' , by Susan Loone,
Malaysiankini, dated Sep 26, 10 , )

What do you think, are they using the same ugly name? Adolf Hitler must be happy that Malaysia liked his name; or may be like HIM?.....or his ideas..

It is sad, not for Adolf Hitler, as he is dead. It is sad for Malaysian politic for using tactic like Adolf Hitler in the domestic politic, in a democracy country....

Heil Hitler.....Heil Malaysia....the demon has come out of democracy....and we have the crazy politician remain in the country to play the games of Adolf Hitler.... crazy,just crazy....

Sign of coming election

Since the last election campaign, when the opposition make use of IT technology to win their support, ruling parties are now jumping into the wagon. They are now actively using cyber technology and social media. However, the ruling parties have the strategic advantages over opposition, as they have the control over the mass media. They are now doing even better, by using proxy in the social media and publicity campaign. This is the heat of pre-election campaign for coming federal election, and the ruling party have being heated up immediately after Sarawak state election. The politician are using racial sentiments, the popular tools to gain support.....I just ponder who is race baiting?.....

For general public, please use our common sense and not to fall into the traps of the political games. Cyber political games are on, Heil Hitler.....Heil Malaysia....

The games of proxies has begin.....

Related articles/websites:

1. Gerakan: Guan Eng a 'Hitler', Kit Siang 'desperate';
2. Easter Message 2011,
3. Guan Eng: Is opposing Hitler wrong?,
4. MESTI BACA ! Heil Hitler - DAP Meroyan Tahap Malu Dek Pendedahan MiM !!, blog may delete article)
5. Malaysia amal idea Hitler? Utusan Malaysia online;
6. Lim Guan Eng's Remarks not based on Reality,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ng Swee Cam(伍瑞琴)

伍瑞琴(Ng Swee Cam) (Wu Ruiqin) b1900- d1972

Ng Sui Cam or Wu Ruiqin( 伍瑞琴, b 1900 - d 1972), BSc(Eng), MI Mech. E.. AMIE (FM). CBE. JMN. JP. He was born in 1900 at Canton ,China.

He is Taishan(台山)origin (formerly Xinning County, Xinning has also been romanized as Sunning, Sinning, Hsinning, Hsînnîng, and Llin-nen. In 1914, Xinning was renamed Taishan to avoid confusion with the Xinnings of Hunan and Sichuan, Unfortunately it is now confused in English with Taishan (Mount Tai) in Shandong Province) County Qi Fuk cun(齐福村)or Qi Fuk village. Now the ancestral village is under Chonglou town or Chonglouzhen(冲蒌镇), Bajia village commitee (八家管理区 or八家村委会 ), Qifucun or Qifu village(齐福村). His father Wu fawen(伍法文), was a goldsmith, the mother is Mei Taifu(梅太夫人). The family surname actually should be “Wu”(伍), and not Ng as reported, which may be recorded by colonial registry staff based on their dialect.(Note: Ng is a Cantonese and Hakka transliteration of the Chinese surnames (吳/吴) and 伍 (Wǔ), and Hokkien (Taiwanese) and Teochew transliteration of the Chinese surname 黃 (Huang)).

Educated at St Xavier Institution (SXI) in Penang, later went to China and enrolled as student of Lingnan University , Hong Kong University , and Columbia University, USA. He graduated in Bachelor of Engineering, major in Mechanical Engineering. After graduation, he returned to Penang, to assist his father in the family business, Sun Wo Loong Oil Mill Co. Ltd(“新和隆油較廠”). SUN WO LOONG OIL MILL CO., LTD., was manufacturer or rice bran oil and coconut oil,located at 51, Madras Lane, Penang. The road, Madras Lane was called Yu-kar-lor(油较路)by Chinese in their local Hokkien dialect,which literally means oil mill road. It was due to the presence of Sun Wo Loong Oil Mill there. He was appointed as Managing director and Chief Engineer of the oil mill. Ng Sui Cam was generous with his swimming pool which was used by many Penangites.

In 1952, he formed Ban Heng Bee Rice Mill Ltd Co.(万恒美米较有限公司) at Kangar Road, Kedah; Poh Aik Tong Pawnshop(宝益当) in Kedah, and Kam Man Company Ltd(侨民实业有限公司)in Penang。

Government Appointments
Ng was appointed as Federation of Malaya, Legislative Council(or Federal Legislative Council of Malaya) , Councilor ( 马来亚立法议员), representing the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce) Note: The Federal Legislative Council (also known simply as the Legislative Council) was the legislative body of the Federation of Malaya and the predecessor of the Malaysian Parliament. It was formed in 1948 after the abolition of the Malayan Union and the formation of the Federation, as part of the United Kingdom's promise to grant self-rule to the Malayans. The council convened in Kuala Lumpur. The Federal Legislative Council created in 1948 was composed of 26 official members and 50 nominated unofficial members, 14 of whom were Chinese and 22 Malay)、Penang Settlement Council, non-official nominated councilor(槟州殖民地非官吏议员).

He was also appointed as member of the following government committees, namely Federal Port development Commission(联邦港口发展问题委员会委员),Penang Port Authority Committee(槟城海港局委员)、Penang Chinese Constitutional Consultative Committee (槟城马来亚宪法委员会委员),Member of Chinese Advisory Board for Cantonese(华人参事(谘询)参事)、Licensing Board Advisory Committee(执照局谘 询委员)、Civil Defense Advisory Committee(民防部谘询委员)、Internal Security Advisory Committee(内部安全谘询委员会委员)、General Hospital Board(槟城中央医院委员)、The Penang Po Leung Kuk(槟城保良局委员).

Non Profit Organization

President(正主席) of Board Of Directors, Lam Wah Ee Hospital(南华医院) in 1940, 1948, 1952, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960-1964; Vice President副主席1965-1968; Director(董事) 1936 — 1938, 1969一1972; Trustee(信理员) 1939 — 1972、查屋员(1950)(source:

Deputy Chairman (副会长) of Penang Chinese Town Hall(平章会馆Ping Zhang Hui Guan )(1946 — 1954),he was the trustee of the town hall since 1929.
中华总商会(Chinese Chamber of Commerce)第廿四至廿七届副会长(1933 — 1941)、第卅一至卅二届(1950 — 1954)、第卅五至卅六届(1958 — 1962)正会长、第卅七至卅八届(1962 — 1966)副会长。

Clan Association and Education institution

He was also President /Chairman of the following clan associations, namely Ng Fook Thong Temple Cantonese Districts Association (五福堂广州府会馆)、HOY SAN NING YUNG ASSOCIATION(台山宁阳会馆)、马来亚台山会馆联合会( Federation of Toi Sun Associations, Malaya) 、Ng See Kah Miew(伍氏家庙)、and he was also in the board of governors of Shan Hu School(商务學校, formed in 1909 by Ng Fook Thong五福堂, now ),and Taisan School(台山學校, school formed by Toishan Ning Yang Wui Kwon庇能台山宁阳会馆 in 1918, but stopped in 1952. )。Member of Oversea Chinese Education Advisory Committee(华侨教育谘询委员)、Vice President of United Chinese Schools Committee Association(华校校董会联合会)、Nanyang University Committee Penang branch board of directors(南大委员会槟分会主席团成员)。

Political Party- Malaysian Chinese Association or MCA (马来西亚华人公会)

Ng Sui Cam was one of the 16 Chinese Federal Executive Councilors who formed the MCA or Malaysian Chinese Association with Sir Tan Cheng Lok (陈祯禄,b 1883-d 1960) who was later known as Tun Dato Sri Sir Cheng Lock Tan, DPMJ, KBE).

The 16 federal Executive Councilors were :

1. Ee Yew Kim, JP(余有錦) (from Malacca, a Chinese Baba, he was Chinese merchant appointee from Malacca, president of Strait Chinee British Association Malacca ).

2. Colonel Sir H.S. Lee Hau Shik(李孝式, b 1901- d1988)), later Tun(Colonel Sir) Henry Lee Hau Shik, S.M.N., K.B.E., J.P., from Selangor , politician/tin miner/banker, who was president of the Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Malaya (ACCCIM))、later he become first Malayan/Malaysian minister of Finance. Jalan Tun SH Lee(formerly Jalan Bandar)of Kuala Lumpur was named after him.

3. Khoo Teck Ee(邱德懿, b 1902- d 1953)、a lawyer and banker; was president of the Malayan Estate Owners' Association, and as such was a member of the Advisory Council of, chairman of the Rubber Producers' Council, nominated by the association. Jalan Khoo Telk Ee, off Jalan Imbi, KL was named after him.

4. Toh Eng Hoe(杜榮和), from Taiping, later Dato' Toh Eng Hoe DPMP, AMN, PJK, JP, MCH, CBE, who was the former owner of Taiping Meseum building.

5. Lee Woon Mun, JP(李煥文)、from Penang

6. Leong Cheong Ling/ leung cheung ling(梁長齡),from Selangor,He was a Selangor state executive councilor for several terms. He was a supervisor in charge of Chinese cultural affairs in Malaysia Chinese Association (MCA). He was also a Selangor MCA branch vice-president.

7. Khoo Khoon Huat(邱觀發)

8. BH Oon (nee Lim Beng Hong(溫林鳴鳳),a lawyer from Bukit Mertajam, PW、she was the first Chinese woman to be admitted to English Bar in 1926. In 1949, she was appointed to the Federal legislative Council. She formed the Province Wellesley Labour Party(威省勞工黨)in 1952, which ceased to function in 1960. In 1971, she became the first President of the International Federation of Women Lawyers with H.Q. in New York.

9.Liew Kwon Hon(廖光漢), from Kuala Lumpur,Selangor、

10. Tun Tan Siew Sin (陳修信, b 1916- d 1988)) , from Malacca, was Malaya's (later Malaysia's) first Minister of Commerce and Industry, Finance Minister for 15 years from 1959-1974 , and president of the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA, later Malaysian Chinese Association) from 1961 to 1974.

11. Woo Ka Lim(胡家濂), from Ipoh, representing mining interest、

12. Tun Leong Yew Koh(梁宇皋, b 1888- d 1963), first Minister of Justice and first Tuan Yang Terutama Yang Di-Pertua Melaka or the first Governor of Malacca from 1957-1963).

13. Lim Khye Seng (林開成, Lin Kaicheng)、lawyer from Penang, President of the Penang Cricket association in 1950s

14. Dr. Lee Tiang Keng or Dr. Li Changjing, JP, CBE(李長景), from Penang, later first Ambassador to Japan and Minister of Health ,Federation of Malaya from 1951-1954.

15. Yong Shook Lin(楊旭齡, b ? - d 1955))、from Selangor. He was the first Chinese lawyer to be admitted to the local Bar.

16. Ng Sui Cam(伍瑞琴, b 1900 - d 1972), from Penang

The Malaysian Chinese Association (“MCA” in brief) was formed on Feb. 27 with Sir Tun Tan Cheng Lock( 陳禎祿爵士)as the inaugural President; Yong Shook Lin(楊旭齡)as Honorary Secretary and Khoo Teck Ee(邱德懿)as Honorary Treasurer. Other founding leaders included Colonel Sir H.S. Lee(李孝式)as political/youth/women sub-committee chairman ; Tan Siew Sin(陳修信) as publicity sub-committee chairman, Leong Chong Leng(梁長齡) as social welfare/culture subcommittee chairman, and Lee Woon Mun(李煥文) as Labor sub committee chairman. Explaining the reasons for forming the party, Tun Tan said, ” The immediate reason for forming our Party was that the Chinese who are loyal to Malaya are made to suffer under the state of emergency. The emergency not only endangered the life of many Chinese, threatening the most basic interests of the Chinese, furthermore it also led others to doubt our traditional loyalty and sincerity to this nation where most of us have considered as our permanent homeland.”

Ng Sui Cam(伍瑞琴)was one of the founding members of MCA. He was also Chairman of Penang MCA(槟州马华公会)from 1949-1962; being a chairman of Penang state MCA, he also become the Vice President of National MCA, by the party's constitution.

Fund Raising Committee

1932 Relief fund raising committee for Chinese ‘s Wounded soldiers’ & Refugee committee(任华侨筹赈祖国伤兵难民委员会财政).
1937 Co-Chairman of Penang Relief Fund Raising Committee for Chinese refugee(槟榔屿筹赈祖国难民大会主席之一)。

Ng Sui Cam(伍瑞 琴), not only a successful businessman, but also active in political and community services. Ng Sui Cam passed away on July 24, 1972 or lunar calendar on June 14th (阴历壬子年六月十四日)at his mansion at Northam Road (between the mansion of Lim Leong Tteng and Istana Kedah). His wife (德配黎翠庭) , at the age of 46, died on 27th September 1950(阴历庚寅年八月十六日)at their residence in Lorong Selamat. He left behind 2 boys and 5 girls. His eldest son Ng Kam Kew 伍锦侨, and 2nd son Ng Kam Man(伍锦民) took over the family business. They inherited houses at Lorong Selamat(平安路),Rangoon Road(仰光路), and 58,Northam Road(红毛路)。

The Residence of Ng Sui Cam at 58, Northam Road is next to Istana Kedah. The late Ng Sui Cam was generous with his swimming pool which was often used by many Penangites. It was later reported occupied by Malaysian pioneer artist Yong Mun-sen(need confirmation). A developer has bought the property and plans a tower block on the site. At the meanwhile, a hawker complex is occupying the garden which has a wonderful view of the North and East of the island and the peninsula opposite and has proved a popular night spot for Penang lang.

He is one of the famous son of Penang. But I wonder is there any road named after him, like his counterpart in other states of Malaysia. Jalan Tun SH Lee was named after SH Lee; 楊旭齡路(Jalan Yong Shook Lin)was named after Yong Shook Lin; Jalan Khoo Telk Ee, off Jalan Imbi, Kuala Lumpur was named after Khoo Teik Ee etc

Wayne Siao Wei Yuan(萧维元)

Wayne Siao Wei Yuan(萧维元, b1910 – d2001 )

He was in Penang from 1953 to 1985, most of the time as educator of theology, training pastors and church workers.

Wayne Siao (萧维元), was born in China. Wayne Siao received his higher education in Hong Kong, and became the first local principal of the Baptist Theological Seminary in Penang.

Born in China in 1910, Siao was only 6 years old when his father, a pastor, died. His mother then moved the family to Canton where she enrolled in the Pooi-In Baptist Women's Bible Institute.

Siao was educated by Baptists as well. He studied at Pui Chang Baptist Academy and then enrolled in Shanghai Baptist College, known later as the University of Shanghai.

Siao graduated from the University of Shanghai in 1932, after which he served as a teacher and principal at Baptist campuses in Canton, Hockshan, Pingshek and Hong Kong. He left China in 1949 along with thousands of others who feared the rule of Mao Tse Sung. He resided in Macao until 1953.

The Penang Baptist Church was founded in 16th August 1953. At first, only 29 brothers and sisters along with Rev. Strothez. Rev. Ho Lo Chee, Madam Tan Siew Lean and Mr Wayne Siao whole-heartedly built the church.

Siao served the Baptist Theological Seminary in Penang as an instructor and dean from 1954-55 and 1970-76. He served as the seminary's sixth and first Malaysian national president from 1977-85.

Siao was a 1959 graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas.

After retiring from the presidency of the Penang seminary, Siao assisted in establishing the Chinese language division of Singapore Baptist Seminary.

When Wayne Wei-Yuan Siao died on 29th November 2001 from complications of a stroke in an Arlington, Texas, hospital, at age 91,

Siao's most significant contribution to theological education was his translation of theological books, totaling nearly 7.5 million Chinese characters. He produced most of the manuscripts from 1953-69 while serving as the translation editor for the Orient Baptist Theological Textbooks Committee.

Related articles/References:

1. Translator of 44 theology books into Chinese, '59 SWBTS grad dies, by Gregory Toml

Monday, April 25, 2011

Madras Lane

Madras Lane

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Madras Lane is located between Burma Road(车水路)and Macalister Road(中路). The Burma Road end of the road is facing Kuan Yin Si(车水路观音寺), or Temple of the Goddess of Mercy, a Taoist temple along Jalan Burma, and the other end at Macalister Road is facing the former King Edward Memorial Hospital, now restored as art and cultural center. Two minor streets off Madras Road are Jalan Talipon(電訊路) and Ong Chong Keng Street(王宗镜路), which are located between Madras lane and Kinta Lane. Madras Lane is located within the triangular grid , bordering by Penang Road(檳榔律), Burma Road, Anson Road安順路and Macalister Road. In within the grid are roads running parallel to each others. The roads are Macalister Lane(姓王公司後 Sὲⁿ-ông-kong-si-aū), Kinta Lane(近打冷巷), Madras Lane(油较路), Jahudi Road(爪夷路, now Jalan Zainal Abidin(再纳阿比汀路)), Lorong Selamat(平安巷), Rangoon Road(仰光路) and Aboo Sittee Lane(三星巷, 三牲巷).

Madras Lane or Lorong Madras, the official name, was named after city of Madras in India, now known as Chennai . Chennai, is the capital of the state of Tamil Nadu. It was named , may be due to the early Tamil inhabitants, from the Indian city of Madras staying in the area. The overwhelming majority of migrants from India migrated to Penang were ethnic Tamil and from British Presidency of Madras. The Madras Presidency, officially the Presidency of Fort St. George and also known as Madras Province, was an administrative subdivision of British India. At its greatest extent, the presidency included much of southern India, including the present-day Indian State of Tamil Nadu, the Malabar region of North Kerala, Lakshadweep Islands, the Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions of Andhra Pradesh, Ganjam district of Odisha and the Bellary, Dakshina Kannada, and Udupi districts of Karnataka. The presidency had its winter capital at Madras and summer capital at Ootacamund. In 1947 Tamils Indian represented approximately 85 per cent of the total Indian population in Malaya and Singapore. Opposite Madras Lane was a community of Indian, mainly Indian Muslim at Kedah Road, many of them were Malabaris people, some of them married local Malay woman and assimilated into the Malay community and was known as Jawi Peranakan. One of the descendant of the early community was later become Prime Minister of Malaysia. It was not surprise, before the development of the area, there was people from Madras Presidency living here, and it was officially named Madras Lane.

To the local Chinese it is called Yu-ka-lor( 油絞路) or Chhâ-lơ̄-thaû(柴落頭).

Chha-lo-thau(柴落頭), a timber landing place

Why was it called Chha-lo-thau, which means timber landing place?, it may be possibly the timber vessel carrying the timbers sailed until the Titi Papan( which means Plank bridge, after the bridge over the Prangin Ditch) near Titi Papan Mosque to download their timbers. The Prangin River(later Prangin Ditch) ended there at the junction of Transfer Road/Burma Road. The place was called Tiaù-kiô-thaû(吊橋頭), which means Suspension-bridge head, the name of Penang Rd/Burma Road. It was also near to Transfer Ditch along Transfer Road(near today's Penang Road Police station). The area was actually a water transport hub, with active activities. Madras Lane(near junction of Burma Road)is nearby, closest to Titi Papan, which was the landing place or depot for timber merchants. Timbers may also collected from the hinterland by land transport to gather there.

Yu-Ka-Lor(油絞路), the oil mill road

To know the name, we need to know some history of Penang copra oil industry in Penang.

Then why it was called Yu-ka-lor( 油絞路) by local Chinese until today? WHEN PENANG WAS occupied by the British, it was intended not only to serve as a trading port but also as land for the cultivation of commercial crops such as peppers, nutmegs, cloves, sugarcanes and coconuts. Of these, coconuts turned out to be the only crop successfully cultivated on a large scale on the island, contributing considerably to the economy for almost one century. The mid-19th century witnessed an unprecedented expansion of coconut estates in Penang. These increased from a few thousand acres in the 1830s to 17,000 acres in the 1870s. In the process, Penang became the largest grower of coconut palm in Malaya, with Chinese businessmen on the island being the major owners.In the 1880s, Penang was already a centre that supplied copra and coconut oil to Singapore, Malacca, Kedah, Perak, southern Burma and southern Siam. To capitalise as fully as possible on this “coconut boom”, estate owners set up home-based mills to produce coconut oil for export. By 1892, there were 183 oil mills worked by foot power in Penang. Khie Heng Bee Mill, was the first modern rice and oil mill equipped with steam and hydraulic machinery.( Wong Yee Tuan,2011).

This initiative prompted four more modern oil mills to be established in Penang. They were: Sun Wo Loong owned by Ng Sui Kam, Ban Teik Bee Co. Ltd owned by the Lim brothers, Ban Hin Lee Oil Mills Ltd owned by Yeap Chor Ee, and Hock Hin Brothers owned by Choong Lye Hock and Choong Lye Hin. These controlled over 85% of the total output of oil in Penang. Sun Wo Loong was the largest and produced 80 tonnes of oil per day while the others had an average production capacity of 40 to 50 tonness.( Wong Yee Tuan,2011).

Sun Wo Loong( a sole proprietorship), was formed earlier than that, it was a family business established before 1892. Ng Swee Cam, being a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from Columbia University, USA, should be the one who modernize the family oil mill. It must be after he took over from the family, or at least when he come back to Penang after graduation in USA. It was later established as limited company.

SUN WO LOONG OIL MILL CO. LTD. (“新和隆油較廠” ), manufacturer or rice bran oil and coconut oil , was located at 51, Madras Lane, Penang, just next to Hu Yew Seah. The timbers may be used as fire woods for the oil mill, or for easy transport to other places in Penang, by bullock carts. That was the reason why the oil mill was set up at Madras Lane(柴落頭), near to the source of timber(timber landing place). So timber merchant must have come first.....

The heritage and Personalities

The landmarks at Madras Lane are Hu Yew Siah, Madras Lane Chinese Methodist Church, Telekom Penang headoffice(fronting Burma Road and along Madras Lane), and colonial government quarters. SUN WO LOONG OIL MILL CO. LTD. (“新和隆油較廠” ) had been closed down, and development plan has been emplaced for the former oil mill site.

Three historical personality were related to the street, Ng Swee Cam(owner of SUN WO LOONG OIL MILL CO. LTD.), Choong Thiam Poe(Founder of Hu Yew Siah), and Dr Rabrindranath Tagore from, Calcutta, India(Hu Yew Seah building was opened in 1927 by Rabindranath Tagore, the 1913 Nobel Prize laureate for Literature). If included Dr Ong Chong Keng(Jalan Ong Chong Keng, a side road, was named after him), it will be four.

1. Hu Yew Siah

The organization was founded by Choong Thiam Poe alias Chung Lok Shan (鐘樂臣, Zhong Lechen, 1888-1930) in 1914 and specifically created to promote Chinese language education among the English-speaking Babas and Nyonyas in Penang. The Hu Yew Seah building was opened in 1927 by Rabindranath Tagore, the 1913 Nobel Prize laureate for Literature from Calcutta. The building was used by the Hu Yew Seah as a venue to promote and teach Chinese language. Because by the turn of the 20th century there were a number of English-educated Chinese, characteristically the Baba or Straits Chinese elite, who grew up not knowing their mother tongue. In the 70s, it was used to provide free tuition to teach Malay language to Chinese students who are weak in the national language.

Dr Rabrindranath Tagore, Asia’s first nobel laureate, visited Penang in 1927 and was received at the Butterworth train station by notable Penang personalities including the late Mr Khoo Sian Ewe, at the time a Legislative Council member. Tagore gave speeches at the Hu Yew Seah, a Straits Chinese educational institution, and Chung Ling High School. He was recorded in the Straits Echo to have had a rousing welcome from Penang’s Asian and Western communities. He also gave a lecture about his philosophy of internationalism at the Empire Theatre (in Magazine Road) and laid the foundation stone of the Hu Yew Seah building in Madras Lane.

Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Hu Yew Seah(辅友社华小)

Today, the Hu Yew Siah building housed a Chinese primary school, called Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina Hu Yew Seah(辅友社华小).

2. Madras Lane Chinese Methodist Church(槟城油较路卫理公会)

Madras Lane Chinese Methodist Church as its name describes, is a church of the Methodist Chinese assembly in George Town. It is also known as the Penang Hokkien Methodist Church, to differentiate it from the Cantonese Methodist Church at Macalister Road.

Dr. West and Mr. Lau Seng Chong on May 5, 1895 to start work among the Hokkien speaking Chinese of Penang as the "Gospel Light (which began) to shine upon this particular group of people who afterwards called themselves Methodists".

These pioneers rented and old shop house at 29 Galdestone Road. Records show that they did not confine themselves to the preaching of the Gospel alone; they branched out into dispensary work, Sunday school work and even started a Chinese school - all within an incredibly short period of 3 months.

The faithful and energetic efforts of these pioneers and their successors contributed to the growth of the Church both numerically and spiritually during the next forty years. The period saw the birth of the Epworth League and the Ladies Aid Society. Both groups together with the Sunday School and other Church programmes resulted in increased membership and attendance. The pressure of space necessitated the Church to move twice each time to a larger building before the congregation finally moved into the present building in Madras Lane in 1937.

The new building was indeed the fruit of the vision, faithfulness and dedication of the pastors, church workers and members before 1937.

Trinity Methodist Church was found in Madras Lane

In 1939, the English Speaking section of the Chinese Methodist Church was inaugurated. The idea of starting the English speaking section was to cater to the needs of the increasing number of children of the Chinese congregation, who attended English schools and found it difficult to understand the sermons in Hokkien. This section started with about 30 adult and youth members. When the Pacific War broke out in 1941, the membership had increased to 80.

After the war, the English Speaking section, despite some minor setbacks, experienced a steady but slow growth. By 1950, the Sunday School and the Youth programmes of the section were activated with the help of the family of the late Rev. Khoo Cheng Hoe and others. The formation of the Boys' Brigade and Girls' Life Brigade alone greatly contributed to the upsurge of youth activities and Sunday School work and attracted an aggregate of over 200 youths. The pressure on space was similar to that experienced by the Mother Church in the pre-1937 period. Under these circumstances, the youth activities on many occasions had to be held at the premises of Union Institution in Burmah Road.

All this while, the English Speaking Section was without a regular pastor. The late Mr. Goh Kim Leong, being the most regular member of the congregation was appointed the Supply Pastor. Although Mr. Goh in his own words described himself as "not gifted to preach sermons", he had executed his duties as Supply Pastor faithfully and fruitfully. Through the God inspired vision and dedicated service of his leadership and faithfulness of the senior members of the congregation, the English Speaking Section was admitted to the Malayan Annual Conference, marking the birth of the Trinity Methodist Church in 1957. The late Rev. Khoo Oon Eng was appointed our first regular pastor by the Malayan Annual Conference.

Since this congregation was organized as a Local Church in 1957, God has richly showered His Grace upon us. The Local Church began with a membership of 80 in December 1957 with a full range of varied activities i.e. WSCS, MYF, MIF, BB, GLB and Sunday School among others. The crying need for a building of its own was immediately realized. Despite its weak financial position, the leadership of the new Church acted entirely on faith in proceeding to purchase the site in Green Lane. With God's blessings on the various fund-raising activities, the Trinity Methodist Church had a building of its own within three years in 1960. The present parsonage adjoining the Church building was also acquired at about the same time.

Founding of Boy's Brigade at Madras Lane,1st Penang Company

The Boys' Brigade did not come to Malaya until the after the second World War. A British soldier by the name of Robert Davis (former Captain of 6th Birkenhead Company at the Tranmere Freehold Methodist Church and later Tranmere United Reformed Church) gave the idea of The Boys' Brigade to one of Penang 's great educationist, the late Mr Geh Hun Kheng, who accepted the challenge becoming the first BB Captain in Malaya. Mr Geh realised that he had to do his "small share" to win the Boys over from the various subversive groups that were so rife after the Pacific War. The 1st Penang Company was officially started on 20th July, 1946. The first meeting of 20 Boys was held in the Methodist Church in Madras Lane on a Sunday in September 1946. Penang thus became the springboard from which Companies were started first in Kuala Lumpur and then in other parts of the country.

3. Telekom Penang

In 1870, postal, telegraph, and telephone systems were introduced in the Malayan Peninsula with the construction of a submarine cable linking the Straits Settlement to London.
1874 The telephone makes its debut in Perak
1882 Perak and Penang are linked by telephone via a submarine cable
The Telecommunications Department was established in 1902
But we do not know when the Telekom Penang was established at Madras Lane...Jalan Telefon must have built after that....


Despite Macalister Road or New Road/Jalan Bahru, was built in late 19th century, which was mentioned in Singapore Directory of Strait Settlement in 1877; the two landmarks, Hu Yew Siah building was completed in 1927, Madras Lane Chinese Methodist Church was completed in 1937.

As per Kelly Map from 1891-1893, the Madras Lane had been built, in fact all the roads there were named with the name "Lane". Macalister Lane, Kinta Lane, Madras Lane, Jahudi Lane. However Kinta Lane was a shorter lane than today's Kinta Lane, which did not continue until Burmah Road, but met its dead end about half way of the current Kinta Lane, may be at the Jalan Telefon of today.  Jalan Telefon and Ong Chong Keng Street were not yet built in 1891-1893 period. Jewish burial ground already at Jahudi Lane.

We do not know when the office and workshop of Telekom was built, neither we know when was SUN WO LOONG OIL MILL CO. LTD. constructed. In 1904, there was mentioned of Anson Road, Logan Road, Cantonment Road, Scotland Road, Scott Road, Burmah Road, Aboo Sitee Lane, Ayer Etam Road, Dato Kramat Road, Klawei Road,Perak Road, Jelutong Road, Transfer Road, Scotland Road,, Johore Road,and Barrack Road. This revealed that a good road system of the city had already developed.

Jalan Telepon and Jalan Ong Chong Keng is obviously years later in 20th century.

Recommend articles:
1. Before palm oil, there was coconut oil… , by Wong Yee Tuan ,February 2011 issue of the Penang Economic Monthly. (Wong Yee Tuan is a research fellow with the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, and obtained his PhD in history from the Australian National University in 2007).

Indian Association Penang

Indian Association Penang (IAP) is a non-profit organization base in Penang Malaysia. It was incorporated on 23 April 1924. IAP played on role in the social development of the Indian community.

Milestone of Indian Association Penang

1923 - This was the year when the late Mr. P.K. Nambyar gave effect to his desire and the desire of the Indian Community in Penang to establish an INDIAN ASSOCIATION.

23rd April 1924 - Consent was given to register the Association under the Companies Ordinance, and after the usual formalities, the Association was registered.The ASSOCIATION was from its inception housed at 423, Dato Keramat Road, the present premises of the Chinese Convent School. Soon it came to be regarded as one of the foremost INDIAN ASSOCIATIONS in Malaya.

20th April 1928- The demise of the founder, Mr. P.K.Nambyar. This is regarded as a great lost to the association

1928~1930- Mr.N.K.Menon, son of the late Mr. P.K.Nambyar took over as the 2nd President

1930~1933- Mr.N.Raghavan tok over as the 3rd President. This is the time when the Free Tamail school was started under the management of Mr. V.G.Pragasam and continued by Mr.V.M.Krishnaswamy

1933~1935- Mr.H.G.Sarwar took over as the 4th President

1935~1937- Mr. N. Raghavan, who was also the 3rd President took over again as the 5th President

1937- Mr.K.S.Pillai took over as the 6th President.

1938~ Mr. N.Raghavan tool over for the third time as the 7th President
February 1937- The premises occupied by the Association was sold to the Chinese Convent School. The Association had to shift.

8th of July'1937- The present property of 5 acres at No.11, Jalan Bagan Jermal was purchased.

13 January'1940 - A small clubhouse was built at a corner of this prime land
1940 ~2009 - The Indian Assocation has been maintained well by various office bearears and the clubhouse still stands on the original location with some renovations along the way.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Yahudi Road (Jalan Zainal Abidin)

Yahudi Road (Jalan Zainal Abidin) & SM Zainal Abidin

The Jalan Zainal Abidin(再纳阿比汀路) is located between Burma Road and Macalister Road. It is within the rectangular grid between Penang Road, Burma Road, Anson Road and Macalister Road. The entrance at Burma Road is directly facing Kedah Road. Joined with Madras Lane(油较路) by "Z" shape lane, and connected with Lorong Selamat(平安巷) by a straight lane.

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Jalan Zainal Abidin was originally known as Yahudi Road. It got its name from the Jewish presence in the area, a reminder of which being the Jewish Cemetery along the road. It was later changed to Jalan Zainal Abidin, named after SM Zainal Abidin, BA (Zainal Abidin b. Sutan Maidin), retired Inspector of Malay Schools, Penang and politician.

The two most important landmarks are Jewish Cemetery and the 10 storey Menara UMNO(or UMNO Complex), a headquarter of Penang UMNO political party. Incidentally, the two names,Yahudi Road & Jalan Zainal Abidin were related to the two landmarks. Zainal Abidin was the UMNO Penang chairman.

Background of Haji S.M. Zainul Abidin(also known as SM Zainal Abidin, Zainal Abidin b. Sutan Maidin)(b 3/10/1898- ?)

Haji S.M. Zainul Abidin was born on 3rd October 1898 at 167, Argyll Road (Formally known as Cakela Lane), Penang. He was the fourth son of Puan Tangcima and Tuan A.P. Sultan Mydin.

He had his early education in Chowrasta School, Penang in 1903 and then he continued his education to Penang Free School till he passed the Senior Cambridge at the age of 16.

Due to his vast interest in the teaching profession, he became a trainee teacher at Penang Free School in 1915. He was the School Captain of Penang Free School from 1917 – 1918. After normal training, he served in the same school in 1918. As a teacher, he was a strict disciplinarian but popular among the students. It was reported that Tunku Abdul Rahman, the first Prime Minister of Malaysia was one of his students.

Tuan Haji Zainul Abidin was also a dedicated scout master. He was bestowed with "Medal of Merit" and was appointed Assistant Commissioner of Scout. He used the rules and regulation of scouting as his guidance.

One very special attribute of Haji Zainul Abidin was his prowess in mastering many languages such as Malay, English, Latin, Tamil, French, Japanese and Arabic.
Due to his enthusiasm to succeed in education, he enrolled in an out-campus programme with the University of London. He was the first Malay student to be honoured with B.A (Hon) Londonin 1935. In line with his success, he was appointed as the headmaster of Francis Light School in Penang in 1938. In 1945, he became the school inspectorate in Prai.

Tuan Haji Zainul Abidin became well-known in the political arena when he went against the Malayan Union in 1946. With a few friends he set up UMNO Penang. Unfortunately, as a civil servant he was not allowed to be active in politics. After retiring in 1953, he became active again in politics until he headed UMNO Penang. He won the parliamentary seat in Balik Pulau in the 1955 election. He was offered the post of Education Minister but he declined as he did not want to leave Penang. In his 11 years tenure in Penang, he managed to build UMNO house in Macalister Road.

Due to his vast experience and qualification, Tuan Haji Zainul Abidin was appointed as a member of University Court (Universiti Malaya) for several years. He was also a committee member of Razak Report and Rahman Talib Report and also a member of Alliance Council. He was also involved in the setting of Bahasa Baku Melayu/Indonesia.

In economics, he was active in Penang Malays' Co-operative Society as the president. This co-operative managed to build the first flat in Taman Abidin, Perak Road, Penang in 1973.

Despite is challenging career, he could find time for his interest. He was good in tennis,billiard, chess and draught. He was also a judo exponent until he got a black belt and became an instructor. He also wrote many books. In his free time he indulged in cooking,reading and concorted traditional medicines. His interest in music could be seen through his composition and setting up of 'Dar-Es-Salam Harmonian Party' band headed by him together with his children. He was also a member of Penang Wireless Society which used Penang Radio Station as the headquarter. He became the announcer for the Malay section managing the news and song request. During the Japanese Occupation he was appointed as the station supervisor for Radio Penang.

As appreciation for his contribution, he was bestowed the "Darja Johan Mangku Negara(DJMN) and JP or Justice of Peace(Jaksa Pendamai)medals.


SM Haniff, elder brother of SM Zainal Abidin
The late Muhammad Yusof b Sultan Maidin or SM Yusoff, brother, was office assistant Education Office, Penang

SM Zainal Abidin & Persaudaraan Sahabat Pena Malaya(PASPAM)

The first national conference of Sahabat Pena, a pen-pal club, was held at Sunlight Muslim Association, 212 Kota Road, Taiping on 11 November 1934. It was "the first pan-Malayan Malay gathering of a non-official kind ever held." Among those present were Syed Alwi bin Syed Sheikh al-Hadi, S.M. Zainal Abidin and Sheikh Abdullah al-Maghribi, literary figures and Kaum Muda Islamic reformist leaders who were later to become prominent in the Malay nationalist movement. One of Islamic reformist Syeikh Abdullah Magribi was elected as Penasihat Umum(general advisor); SM Zainal Abidin was elected as Yang Dipertua(President) and Syed Alwi al-Hadi was General Secretary(Setiausaha Agung).

SM Zainal Abidin & Penang Malay Association or Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang(PEMENANG)

Penang Malay Association or Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang is an association in Penang. Also known by its acronym PEMENANG, the association has its headquarters at an Art Deco bungalow at 60, Jalan Pemenang, formerly part of Cantonment Road.

The Penang Malay Association traces its history to the gathering held at the home of local Malay millionaire Mohamad Ariff Tajuddin(or popularly known as Mohamad Ariff) at Hutton Lane (across the road from Masjid Jamek Jalan Hatin) on a Sunday afternoon in March 27th, 1927. The gathering was attended by members of the Malay intellectuals and property owners. The members discussed the setting up of an organisation to look after the interest of the Malays in Penang and to protect their religion under British administration.

In the 1970's, the state government under Dr Lim Chong Eu granted the association a plot of land at the junction of Anson Road and Macalister Road, where they built Bangunan Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang, a four-storey shoplot. The building, at 117 Jalan Macalister today houses a car showroom on the ground floor.


SM Zainal Abidin was the President of Penang Malay Association between 1948 - 1951.

SM Zainal & UMNO(The United Malays National Organisation)

After the British returned to Malaya in the aftermath of World War II, the Malayan Union was formed. However, the Union was met with much opposition due to its constitutional framework, which allegedly threatened Malay sovereignty over Malaya. A series of Malay congresses were held, culminating in the formation of the nationalist party, UMNO on May 11, 1946 at the Third Malay Congress in Johor Bahru, with Datuk Onn Jaafar as its leader. Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang was among the 41 Malay societies to the Malay Congress, the three representatives from Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang were Tuan Yusoff Izuddin as Yang Di Pertua(or President), Tuan Haji Taha Ali, and Tuan Mohamad Zain bin Ahmad(Master Zain).

1946 - On April 1, 1946 the Malayan Union officially came into existence with Sir Edward Gent as its governor. The capital of the Union was Kuala Lumpur.

Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang had participated with other establishment and institutions in Kongres Melayu or Malay Congress, under the leadership of Dato Onn bin Jaafar was held at Kelab Sultan Sulaiman, Kampong Baru, Kuala Lumpur from 1st to 4th Mac 1946. The result of the congress that was attended by 41 society and institution, establishment , it was resolved that a national organization to be formed, and to be named Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (PEKEMBAR) or United Malays National Organisation (UMNO).

After the completion of registration , in the second Malay Congress held at Istana Besar, Johor Baru between 11th and 12th May 1946, Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu (UMNO) was officially announced established on 11th May 1946.

Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang was one of the 40 establishment and societies that was accepted as Foundation Member( Ahli Pengasas) of UMNO on 11 Mei 1946. With the acceptance of Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang as UMNO alliance member( Ahli Gabungan UMNO), all 2,000 members of Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang become direct member of UMNO.

UMNO strongly opposed the Malayan Union, but originally did not seek political power. The Malayan Union was a federation of the Malay states and the Straits Settlements of Penang and Malacca. It was the successor to British Malaya and was conceived to unify the Malay Peninsula under a single government so as to simplify administration.

UMNO was comfortable with continuing to play its supporting role to the British rulers. The leaders cooperated with the British and helped to defeat the communist insurgency.

1948 – The Federation of Malaya (Persekutuan Tanah Melayu), a federation of 11 states formed on 31 January 1948, based on Federation of Malaya Agreement signed in Kuala Lumpur on 21 January 1948. Comprising the nine Malay states and the British settlements of Penang and Malacca. It went into effect on 1st February 1948.

When UMNO annual conference was held at Francis Light School, Penang on 24th April 1948, it was agreed that direct membership vide the membership of alliance institutions (AhIi Berdaftar Terus, yakni menerusi Persatuan-Persatuan Bergabung) to be terminated, and branches to be established in various states of Malaya.

After the formation of the UMNO branch in Penang, Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang resolved that the society will not involve in political activities, but only concentrated their activities in social, religion, culture art, of Malay community in Penang.

Leaders of Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang who were appointed as office bearer in UMNO Malaya were Tuan S M Zainul Abidin had been Pengerusi Tetap Persidangan Agung UMNO Malaya when UMNO was having their annual conferences at Francis Light School, Penang on 1946 and 1948. Tuan S M Aidid was Economic & Treasury officer(Pegawai Ekonomi dan Kewangan), and eventually become Treasurer(Bendahari) UMNO Malaya in 1948, Captain Mohamed Noor Bin Mohamed was appointed as Treasurer(Bendahari) UMNO Malaya to succeed Tuan S M Aidid in 1950.

1951 - In 1951, Onn Jaafar left UMNO after failing to open its membership to non-Malay Malayans to form the Independence of Malaya Party (IMP). Tunku Abdul Rahman replaced Dato' Onn as UMNO President.

1953 - After retiring in 1953, SM Zainal Abidi became active again in politics until he headed UMNO Penang under the presidency of his former pupil, Tunku Abdul Rahman.

1955 - SM Zainal Abidi won the parliamentary seat in Balik Pulau in the 1955 election


SMK Haji Zainul Abidin再纳阿比汀中学

Sekolah Menengah Lanjutan Westland(Westland Extension Secondary School), which together with Sekolah Menengah Lanjutan Georgetown, Sekolah Menengah Lanjutan Tanjong, Sekolah Menengah Lanjutan MaCalister, Sekolah Menengah Lanjutan Jalan Kelawei and Sekolah Menengah Lanjutan Glugor to form a new lower secondary school on 11th January 1965, the name of the school is Scotland Road Secondary School, named after the road nearby. The first headmaster was Mr. Lim San Hoe who was transferred from Westland Secondary School on 1st January 1965. It was later renamed Haji Zainal Abidin Secondary School, named after a teacher, SM Zainal Abidin.

SMK Haji Zainul Abidin was located formally at Scotland Road, Penang. It was opened in 1965 as an extension school. Six other extension schools were also transferred to this school at that time. It was then transformed into a lower secondary school with the name Scotland Road Secondary School with a student population of about 726.
In 1967, the school was officiated by the then cheif minister of Penang, YAB Tan Sri Wong Pow Nee. 1986 saw an increase in the number of students to 1371. In 1972 the name of the school was changed to Haji Zainul Abidin School in rememberance to the noble deed of a local Malay educationist who is none other than Tuan Haji Zainul Abidin bin Sultan Mydin of Penang.

On 12th Sep 2009 Sekolah Haji Zainul Abidin, Jalan Scotland officially transferred to Sekolah Menengah Agama Lelaki Al-Manshoor. SHZA then relocated to Jalan Hamilton and was known as SMKHZA(SMK Haji Zainul Abidin). It is now located at Jalan Hamilton Jelutong, Penang.

Taman Abidin and Jalan Zainul Abidin are the other legacies.

Jewish Cemetery in Yahudi Road, Penang

The first contact between Jews and the inhabitants of Malaya (later part of Malaysia) goes back to the 9th century A.D. on the riverbanks of the Bujang Valley, and later well into the 18th Century A.D. in the cosmopolitan bazaars of Malacca. The presence of Sephardic Baghdadi Jews in Penang probably occurred in the turn of the 19th century as the fledgling British ruled entreport grew and attracted Jewish trading families like the Sassoons and Meyers from India. There was also significant emigration of Jews from the Ottoman province of Baghdad as a result of the persecutions of the Governor, Daud Pasha whose rule lasted from 1817 to 1831.

The Malaysian Jews consist mainly of Oriental Jews (the majority of whom are Baghdadi Jews), with the rest being European Jews (Ashkenazi Jews) and possibly Chinese Jews, who fled from Kaifeng, China, during the Communist take-over of mainland China from the Nationalist Chinese in 1949.

The presence of Jewish cemetery revealed the harmony of the area before WW2, with people from various communities living peacefully together, practicing different religions. Mosques, churches and temples are nearby, especially along Burma Road . There were Malays, Indian Muslim, Jawa Peranakan, Indian, Chinese, Indonesian(Acheh,Java, Rawa etc). The cemetery was established in 1805, by the Legislative Council, opened by Rev Ezekiel Menassah, and the Lieutenant-Governor of Penang,Phillip Dundas(d 1807, Penang).

After WW2, most of the Jews left the place for Singapore , Australia or other places due to political climate changes.

Recommended articles/websites;

1. Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang (PEMENANG),
2. Malayan Union,
3. United Malays National Organisation,
4. UMNO official website;
5. Federation of Malaya,
6. My earlier blog dated Sunday, April 12, 2009, Jewish Cemetery in Penang;
7. A Penang Kaddish: The Jewish Cemetery in Georgetown,
8. Jewish Cemetery,
9. The Jewish Virtual History Tour Malaysia ;