Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas, Penang

Christmas Day is the day to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. It is not Santa Claus day, not X'mas day.....but a day for the remembrance of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Christmas Carol sung in Aramaic: the language of Christ

Aramaic was the language spoken by Jesus Christ. In several countries in the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Armenia) the Catholic faith is practiced by, amongst others, the Chaldean Church and the language they use is Aramaic. This video below is a Christmas Carol sung by the Chaldean Church in the language of Christ.

To listen to the Christmas carol in Aramaic language, the language of Jesus Christ; What a unique way to celebrate Christmas and remembrance the birth of Jesus Christ in his own language, Aramaic.

and the language that Jesus Christ speak, still remain....the language was once the language of peace and unity; now few remained and able to speak it....the language and the village remind us the cruel thing mankind had done in the middle east history...hope peace and salam will always be, not only in Christmas day, but always in human heart, regardless of who you are..the spirit of peace prevail... salam.....

Merry Christmas, Penang.....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A letter from Deputy Mayor of Colchester, UK( ex student from SGGS)

Dear Raymond,
Thank you for your congratulatory message. I do apologise for not replying earlier (I bet you have given up on me).

I am indeed very fortunate and humbled to be appointed Deputy Mayor of Colchester, having lived here since 1971, when I left Penang to do my nurse training, qualified, settled with a family here, worked full time and have done several post-registration courses, a degree in nursing, tutor course, and post graduate registration, all relating to nursing!! Then I decided to give something back to the community here who have supported me, educated me and given me a good life in Colchester, so I applied and got voted in to be a councillor (13
years) and now lucky enough to be elected Deputy Mayor.

I attended Residency Road Girls School (primary school) and went to St George's Girls' School. I have been back to Penang many times and also been back to see St George's Girls School where the whole school remains the same structurally, but other parts
have been added to it. I left the school in 1967, a long time ago but still have very good memories. The principal at that time was Mrs Poh Sin Bin, small lady dressed always in cheong sam and I could still hear her high heels shoes as she walked round the school during lessons. I doubt very much anyone remembers me as I was a quiet person in class.

My partner Michael and I support The Hospice in Penang and 2 Children's Homes in Petaling Jaya, and together with our Rotary Club members here, we will be visiting them in January 2011 (12 of us altogether). I need this short break in Malaysia before I begin
my year as Mayor in May 2011, plus with the snow and cold here, we all need the sunshine.

Well, I must sign off here now, wishing you and everyone in Penang a Happy and Peaceful New Year.

From a Penang Hokkien lady,

Helen G C Chuah.

Related articles:
1. My previous blog dated Tuesday, August 24, 2010 with the title, "Helen Chuah - Deputy Mayor of Colchester 2010-2011".