1910,檳城閱書報社带头开会议决招股出版,选出六人专办此事,他们是:黄金庆、陈新政、丘明旭、杨汉翔、林贻博及曾受兰。时适胡汉民因营救汪精卫(因在北京刺杀摄政 王戴沣不遂被捕(1910年4月16日))出狱事来槟城会陈璧君(她是槟城人,于1912年在广州下嫁汪精卫),巧遇上阅书报社要组织报馆,乃由胡汉民代 撰招股序文及简章,并即介绍编辑人员。雷铁崖(曾任总编辑)及张仕鹃即为胡汉民与孙中山商定后所聘请者(谢诗坚, 2010)
創刊於1910年12月2日的《光華日報》,是由中華民國國父孫中山先生創立,報名出自中山先生的構想,含「光復華夏」之意,中山先生並親手寫下這四個字,這四個字即是近百年來《光華日報》的刊頭和建築物招牌上的字體。《光華日報》创刊社址是120号打铜仔街(120, Armenian Street, Penang)
據1911年5月24日的檳榔嶼《光華日報》記載,羅仲霍(1881-1911, 黄花岗烈士)回國前曾拜訪自貢名人雷鐵崖,兩個人行祭飲之禮後,羅仲霍自言自語說:「此行實省老母,顧能再南渡否,不可知。」國難當前,羅仲霍仍有拳拳孝心,難怪雷鐵崖感慨地說:「世豈有忘親事敵之人,而能捨生取義者哉。」
他担任斯职为期一年有余,1912 年返国抵沪.
今天, 雷铁崖的雕像被遗忘在垃圾堆中.....
遗憾, 遗憾.....
雷铁崖是辛亥革命时期的报业巨子、诗人,曾任临时大总统孙中山的秘书。雷铁崖原名昭性,字泽皆,初号詟皆,正号铁崖,联系其姓氏,用意欲以雷霆之声唤醒国人。1873年11月2日 (清同治十二年九月十三日),生于四川富顺县自流井(今属自贡市)一盐商家庭。在弟兄五人中雷昭性行四,后因父亲经营盐业不善而遭破产,雷铁崖只得辍学,割牛草助父谋生。1894年(清光绪二十年),雷铁崖与李宗吾、谢奉奇、曾昭鲁等同入炳文书院,就读于卢庆家山长门下。1900年,参加府试,与弟雷民心(昭仁)同进秀才。求学期问,雷嗜性理学,言行凝重,曾自比宋儒,被同学戏吁为詟圣。随二十世纪初,空前严重的民族危机和民主革命思想的广泛传播,雷深受感染,开始接受新思想,“好说改革,乡人目为王安石”。1904年6月,他偶遇自东京留学归来者,得悉东京留学界情况,极思往会该处革命分子。乃于当年9月,约集同志赴日留学。是时家乡风气末开,父兄阻其行。得母陈氏与岳父李玉廷之助,潜行得脱,雷铁崖启程是半夜偷逃的,只有好友张荔丹在釜溪河畔送行。后由泸州东下,出三峡,11月抵沪,于1905年1月到达日本,先后就读于大成学校和宏文学院。作为“激荡于新潮流,民族思想愈勃发不可遏”的诗人,以挺身而出拯救危亡为己任,现在他终于如愿东渡,“一曲骊歌辞祖国,几回搔首望慈严”;他在《旅夜偶书》中吟道:“难国风尘奴隶泪,北听烽火虎狼兵。男儿不拯神州劫,辜负龙泉壁上鸣。”在《步剑华原韵》中写道:“渭水潮流归猛恶,骊山烽火伴登临。匈奴未灭家河有?无定河边莫苦吟。”
1908年底,雷铁崖由日本回国,寓居上海。他痛人心不醒,思借学校教育鼓吹革命,乃受聘于上海中国新公学任教,民国名人胡适也在该校任英语教师,胡与川藉学生但懋辛等人来往较多,因此与雷也有交往。1909年秋,端方在上海搜捕革命党人,雷铁崖被通缉。匆忙中雷向胡适借了床棉被,连夜赶到杭州白云庵出家,怀着“英雄失败只逃禅”的无奈心情遁入空门。每晚都睡不着,睡不着就写诗,以哀鸣啼血的杜鹃自况,用悲愤的歌声唤醒国人。诗作中充满了 “杜鹃夜半声凄绝,不是愁人也泪流”, “竖尽星旗思拍马,招来蜀魂再啼鹃”。“杜字啼红春欲泪.长弘化碧月留痕”“一寸山河一寸泪,啼来红润笔花枝”, “五月悲秋游子梦,三更啼月蜀王魂”; “身随野鹤饭金粟,心有啼鹃痛铁函”, “鹃因口瘁啼衔赤,烛为心伤泪堕红”之类的诗句。不仅四川党人读了要流泪,在南社中也广为传诵,博得了“啼鹃诗人”的美名。在《参禅白云古刹苦不能静诗以遣之》的长诗中,叙述他身坐蒲团,心却荡游;“忽刺秦皇胸,忽斩楼兰首。忽悲乌江驹,忽饮黄龙酒;或击祖生楫。或撞亚父斗;或恸钟期情,或泣任肪后。”有时坐着坐着,还忽然佯狂地唱起《满江红》来。后来他吟诵着“金戈铁马文明血,荆棘铜驼祖国秋。谁遣骄儿横海窟.阿童持节下龙舟”,乘槎去了南洋。
1913年3月20日,宋教仁在上海车站被刺。22日,雷铁崖发表《宋教仁被暗杀之研究》,抨击袁世凯政府为“暗杀政府”,“厉行专制,灭绝革命”。4月,袁世凯向英、法、日、德、俄五国签订善后大借款,他又著文斥“政府之罪恶”。 讨袁 “二次革命”失败后,袁世凯大肆控捕革命党人,身居北京的雷铁崖也受到监视,处境艰危。他在德国友人何德梅的帮助下,不久即潜离北京,经上海、福建转赴南洋,并于1914年5月在新加坡创办《国民日报》,继续从事反袁宣传。该报由雷铁崖和金碧梧主笔政,雷撰写了发刊词,紧接着发表长文《敬告南洋同志》,揭露袁世凯祸国殃民的罪行,劝导华侨再接再厉坚持革命,对那些势利而又投机的“准同志”,作了辛辣的讽刺和斥责。1915年1月17日,他又发表《梅袁同异论》,把袁世凯与恶魔梅特里(Metternich,1848年前奥地利外交大臣和首相)相提并论,说袁之侦探密布全国,“暗杀栽诬,万恶丛发”,其特务害民手段,较之梅特里“辣心毒手有过之无不及”。此后,他一发而不可收拾,继续写出大量诗文反袁,直到当年9月,《国民日报》因故停刊为止。
雷铁崖还是辛亥革命时期一位有成就的诗人,其书法也名噪学界。他同清末民初的重要革命文学团体“南社”及柳亚子等人关系密切。从1910年4月“南社”在西湖唐庄第二次雅集起,雷铁崖多次参加“南社”的集会和重要活动。柳亚子称他“工诗文书法”,大陆华东师范大学出版社印行的《雷铁崖集》一书中,收有一百余篇诗作。综观雷铁崖的诗歌作品,绝无旧时文人吟风弄月、无病呻吟之作,而是以爱国精神和革命宣传为主线。他前期去国怀想,游子苦吟,充满了对国家危亡和民生凋敝的忧愤之情。当国家面临列强侵略,人民在苦难中呻吟,而清朝统治者却一派歌舞升平,成天醉生梦死,“满座貂禅贺太平”,自然引起爱国者的愤懑。作为“激荡于新潮流,民族思想愈勃发不可遏”的诗人,以挺身而出拯救危亡为己任,他在《旅夜偶书》中吟道:“难国风尘奴隶泪,北听烽火虎狼兵。男儿不拯神州劫,辜负龙泉壁上鸣。”在《步剑华原韵》中写道:“渭水潮流归猛恶,骊山烽火伴登临。匈奴未灭家河有?无定河边莫苦吟。”同时,又以哀鸣啼血的杜鹃自况,用悲愤的歌声唤醒国人。诗作中充满了“杜鹃夜半声凄绝,不是愁人也泪流”, “竖尽星旗思拍马,招来蜀魂再啼鹃”。“杜字啼红春欲泪.长弘化碧月留痕”“一寸山河一寸泪,啼来红润笔花枝”, “五月悲秋游子梦,三更啼月蜀王魂”; “身随野鹤饭金粟,心有啼鹃痛铁函”, “鹃因口瘁啼衔赤,烛为心伤泪堕红”之类的诗句。不仅四川党人读了要流泪,在南社中也广为传诵,博得了“啼鹃诗人”的美名。
(source: 陈思逊 自贡市民间文艺家协会副主席, http://www.eyii.com/news/member/20071014/2729.html)
< Copyright © 一宁网 转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息 (http://www.eyii.com/news/member/20071014/2729.html ) / 陈思逊 自贡市民间文艺家协会副主席>
雷铁崖故居 & 雷铁崖墓
雷铁厓故居地址及位置:四川省自贡市贡井区长土镇石沟村 3 组,背靠池塘山,面向石头沟及东碳厂。北纬 29 21,东经 104 42,海拔高程 331.7 米。 雷铁压故居始建于清中期,坐北向南。占地面积约 3000 平方米。贡井名人辛亥革命志士雷铁压的祖宅,现存建筑面积 350平方米,原有上、中、下三厅,戏楼,左、右侧院构成,庭院式四层复四合院,木柱、半架结构、悬山式屋顶、屋脊灰塑宝顶,飞檐翘角,檐下雕梁画栋,门窗、撑仿、柱础均存雕功。现大部分布局改变、结构改变。雷家大房子修建一直是雷氏家族住宅,解放时政府接收分给村民居住,部分留给雷家子孙。雷铁压从政府辞职回乡,居住于雷家大房子老宅并在老宅病逝,去世后即葬在雷家大房子左侧坡地上。该院落1957 年中厅被焚毁,由于村民修拆建布局和结构大变,现仅剩后厅一列正房,面阔 5 间 23 米,进深 3 间 13 . 28 米。 2006 年 7 月,贡井区将雷家大院及雷铁压墓公布不可移动文物点。
可悲的中国....自豪的经济成就,甚至不能保护自己的文化遗产, 革命家雕像,故居; 中国人已忘记了这位革命家 .....遗憾, 遗憾.....
雷铁崖是槟城光華日報第一任總編輯(1910-1912), 现在, 《光华日报》已经成为世界華文報業新聞史上發行歷史最久的華文日報.....世界曆史最久之民營華文報...
《光華日報》创刊社址是120号打铜仔街(120, Armenian Street, Penang), 如今是孫中山檳城基地紀念館.
槟城人不会忘记雷铁崖(Lei Tieya).....
References & Further Study:
1. 历史学家:1220是创刊纪念日 百年前今天《光华日报》诞生, http://cnews.cari.com.my/news.php?id=7871
2. 石头沟里闻啼鹃 暴走铁崖故居, http://zg.sced.cn/htmls/20110415163055.html
3. 被遗忘在垃圾堆的大总统秘书, http://club.kdnet.net/dispbbs.asp?boardid=1&id=6974695&page=1&1=1#6974695
4. 孙中山与《光华日报》(下),谢诗坚, http://www.kwongwah.com.my/index.php?view_type=news&date=20101220&id=24
5. 拜谒吴玉章故居 纪念辛亥革命,http://zg.sced.cn/htmls/20110415160635.html
6. 谢奉琦故居设立标牌, http://www.dgjjq.com/show.php?cid=2&classid=2&id=297
7. 大公井古盐文化旅游区, http://www.dgjjq.com/list.php?cid=3
8. 雷铁崖, http://www.phoer.net/people/l/leitieya.htm
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
November 11th, Memorial Day for Nanyang Transport Volunteers and the Martyrs of the World War II
The memorial was familiar to me since my childhood days, whenever you go to Air Itam,or Penang Hill,you will never miss the monument. But not many know the purpose of building up the monument there. Some said it was a war memorial, a monument to remember the death of the civilian who died during the war. Some said it was for the resistance soldiers. The story of the monument had been forgotten, and everyone treated as a normal war memorial. But the people who come to pay respect on 11th November each year, was not from the uniform, but the normal civilian. The purpose of the memorial was for world peace, it is a peace memorial, and also to remember the people who died during the 2nd World War. It is also specially mentioned about the voluntary transport workers who died at the Burma Road in Yunnan who come from Penang, and Malaysia. That is why it is called Penang Chinese War Memorial for the Nanyang Transport Volunteers and the Martyrs of the World War II(槟榔屿华侨抗战殉职机工和罹难同胞纪念碑).
My son have been witnessing the ceremony each year, being a member of Chong Hwa Confucius School band until he completed his secondary school. My uncle was also there each year, witnessing the event. There are many descendants of the Transport volunteers, who are there in the crowd, without noticed by any others. But sad to say I have not witness the event personally until today.
It was on 11-11-2011 at 11a.m., our chief minister Lim Guan Eng officiated the 60th anniversary ceremony. The year 2011 was different; the people of Penang and Penang state government have donated to facelift the memorial park. Three additional features are added. Among the new features are a memorial model of the transport workers pushing a military truck up a hill slope along the Burma – Yunnan Road, a memorial wall with carvings displaying the transport volunteers and trucks being bombed by the plane of Japanese Imperial Army, the third feature was the memorial column featuring pigeons circulating around the column, which resemble the world peace.
It was great event when we can come together to remember the people who died during the war. As I have just come back from Japan and visited the Nagasaki Peace Park and Hiroshima Peace Park. By attending the ceremony it gave me a very meaningful day. It also bring awareness to the people who may have forgotten the monument. The family of transport volunteers from Yunnan was also there. But is was pity that the organization committee did not give them a public introduction. The grandson of Mr.Tan Kah Kee(陈嘉庚), the man involved personally with the Transport Volunteers project. A public introduction will be more significant.
In the afternoon, I attended the dialogue by the family of the transport volunteers from Yunnan, and the grandson of Mr.Tan Kah Kee(陈嘉庚). The timing was not right, as it was in collision with the night event at the war memorial at Air Itam. It seems that there are not many people aware of the event. Other than our family, some retired teachers, and one Chinese cultural expert, Chang Yong Mee. The attendance was sadly low. If this type of event were held at other place, especially east coast, it will normally be full house. Sadly not Penang. The stories given by the family are very touching, each have their own unique story. Some of them still searching for the long lost family in Malaysia.
In 1939, 3,200 young men from South-East Asia, historically was called Nanyang(南洋) by Chinese, most were from Malaya, left their families and homes voluntarily to travel to China to work as drivers and mechanics during the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. They left in 15 batches with 9 of 15 batches leaving from Singapore. The volunteers are called Nangiao ji gong(南侨机工)or “overseas Chinese mechanics”. One third of them lost their life in Yunan, one third returned to Malaya, the remaining one third left in Yunan, China. These 3200 volunteers included Indian, Malay men and four Chinese women. There were 300 volunteers from North Malaya of Penang, Kedah and Perlis, of which 233 were from Penang. I really hope their names will be listed at the memorial wall at the War monument at Air Itam. The list included Li Yue Mei (李月美) who was known as modern Hua Mu Lan(当代花木兰), as she also disguised as a man to serve in the Nanyang Transport Volunteers as a driver, just like the ancient Chinese woman heroine. Sadly she died during the cultural revolution in China.
Two of the family members, Xu Hongji(徐宏基) and Zhang Yunpeng(张云鹏), they are searching for their family in Muar, Johor. The other VIPs presented were Honorary Chairman(名誉会长)Chen Liren(陈立人),Chairman(会长), Lin Xiaochang(林晓昌),Tang Xiaomei(汤晓梅), historian(机工史学者),Vice chairman(副会长), Wang Shuilin (王水林), photographer(著名纪录片摄影师)与Lin Suwei(林素玮), artist(名画家).
Thank you state government, the state assemblyman Wong Hun Wei, and the Kong Ming Main Chinese Primary School(公民国民型华文小学总校), the trustee of the monument, that make the event a memorial one. Also the faithful Chong Hwa Confucius School band(孔圣庙中华中学军铜乐队), which has been playing music for the event for many years without fail.
Calling for the families of the volunteers
萧瑞兴(大山脚)、王海南(槟城)、刘桂华(槟)、谢允和(槟)、吴家香(大山脚)、吴明(双溪大年)、杨境南(吉打)、邝广源(吉打莪仑)、余德峇(吉打莪仑)及杨大胜(吉打), 柯天和、王天德、林猷川、王宁鸭、纪兰花及林树容等。
If you know any family of transport volunteers, please contact Low Toh nam(刘道南), 012-521 7412. He was a volunteer in Ipoh, who gathered information for his historical project.
My son have been witnessing the ceremony each year, being a member of Chong Hwa Confucius School band until he completed his secondary school. My uncle was also there each year, witnessing the event. There are many descendants of the Transport volunteers, who are there in the crowd, without noticed by any others. But sad to say I have not witness the event personally until today.
It was on 11-11-2011 at 11a.m., our chief minister Lim Guan Eng officiated the 60th anniversary ceremony. The year 2011 was different; the people of Penang and Penang state government have donated to facelift the memorial park. Three additional features are added. Among the new features are a memorial model of the transport workers pushing a military truck up a hill slope along the Burma – Yunnan Road, a memorial wall with carvings displaying the transport volunteers and trucks being bombed by the plane of Japanese Imperial Army, the third feature was the memorial column featuring pigeons circulating around the column, which resemble the world peace.
It was great event when we can come together to remember the people who died during the war. As I have just come back from Japan and visited the Nagasaki Peace Park and Hiroshima Peace Park. By attending the ceremony it gave me a very meaningful day. It also bring awareness to the people who may have forgotten the monument. The family of transport volunteers from Yunnan was also there. But is was pity that the organization committee did not give them a public introduction. The grandson of Mr.Tan Kah Kee(陈嘉庚), the man involved personally with the Transport Volunteers project. A public introduction will be more significant.
In the afternoon, I attended the dialogue by the family of the transport volunteers from Yunnan, and the grandson of Mr.Tan Kah Kee(陈嘉庚). The timing was not right, as it was in collision with the night event at the war memorial at Air Itam. It seems that there are not many people aware of the event. Other than our family, some retired teachers, and one Chinese cultural expert, Chang Yong Mee. The attendance was sadly low. If this type of event were held at other place, especially east coast, it will normally be full house. Sadly not Penang. The stories given by the family are very touching, each have their own unique story. Some of them still searching for the long lost family in Malaysia.
In 1939, 3,200 young men from South-East Asia, historically was called Nanyang(南洋) by Chinese, most were from Malaya, left their families and homes voluntarily to travel to China to work as drivers and mechanics during the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. They left in 15 batches with 9 of 15 batches leaving from Singapore. The volunteers are called Nangiao ji gong(南侨机工)or “overseas Chinese mechanics”. One third of them lost their life in Yunan, one third returned to Malaya, the remaining one third left in Yunan, China. These 3200 volunteers included Indian, Malay men and four Chinese women. There were 300 volunteers from North Malaya of Penang, Kedah and Perlis, of which 233 were from Penang. I really hope their names will be listed at the memorial wall at the War monument at Air Itam. The list included Li Yue Mei (李月美) who was known as modern Hua Mu Lan(当代花木兰), as she also disguised as a man to serve in the Nanyang Transport Volunteers as a driver, just like the ancient Chinese woman heroine. Sadly she died during the cultural revolution in China.
Two of the family members, Xu Hongji(徐宏基) and Zhang Yunpeng(张云鹏), they are searching for their family in Muar, Johor. The other VIPs presented were Honorary Chairman(名誉会长)Chen Liren(陈立人),Chairman(会长), Lin Xiaochang(林晓昌),Tang Xiaomei(汤晓梅), historian(机工史学者),Vice chairman(副会长), Wang Shuilin (王水林), photographer(著名纪录片摄影师)与Lin Suwei(林素玮), artist(名画家).
Thank you state government, the state assemblyman Wong Hun Wei, and the Kong Ming Main Chinese Primary School(公民国民型华文小学总校), the trustee of the monument, that make the event a memorial one. Also the faithful Chong Hwa Confucius School band(孔圣庙中华中学军铜乐队), which has been playing music for the event for many years without fail.
Calling for the families of the volunteers
萧瑞兴(大山脚)、王海南(槟城)、刘桂华(槟)、谢允和(槟)、吴家香(大山脚)、吴明(双溪大年)、杨境南(吉打)、邝广源(吉打莪仑)、余德峇(吉打莪仑)及杨大胜(吉打), 柯天和、王天德、林猷川、王宁鸭、纪兰花及林树容等。
If you know any family of transport volunteers, please contact Low Toh nam(刘道南), 012-521 7412. He was a volunteer in Ipoh, who gathered information for his historical project.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Binlang Yu(檳榔嶼) in Taiwan
Binlang Yu(檳榔嶼)was an old Chinese name for today's Penang Island. It was reported that the name was given by Admiral Zheng He of Ming dynasty during his expeditions to the South Sea in 15th Century.
By chance, I come across an article in the web, telling the story of another Binlang Yu(檳榔嶼 )in China. Politically the island belong to Taiwan. It is a small island. The island is located between Amoy or Xiamen(廈門)and Kinmen or Jinmen(金門). The other name for the island is Matsu Island(媽祖島), the name called by local people of Amoy(but not to confuse with The Matsu Islands(马祖列岛), a minor archipelago of 19 islands and islets in the Taiwan Strait administered as Lienchiang County (連江縣)).
This really surprise me. Officially it is called Zhong Hwa Binlang Yu(中华槟榔屿), Chinese Betel Nut Island.
Location of Xiamen(PR China), Kinmen Island and Penghu Island(ROC Taiwan)
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Map of Binlangyu
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Yu(嶼)in Chinese means island, Binlang(檳榔) is the name for betel nut. Taiwan and Penang was having popular habit of eating betel nut in the old days. Even today, betel nut is still popular in Taiwan, despite the habit is dying in Penang. Penang and Taiwan have betel nut culture. Logically it is not surprise to see the name of island named after betel nut.
Kinmen or Jinmen(金門)
Kinmen, also known as Jinmen and formerly as Quemoy, is a small archipelago of several islands administered by the Republic of China (Taiwan): Greater Kinmen, Lesser Kinmen, and some islets.
Administratively, it is Kinmen County of Fujian Province, ROC. The county is claimed by the People's Republic of China (PRC) as part of its own Fujian Province's Quanzhou Prefecture. Some islands of other counties, such as Wuchiu, were transferred to the jurisdiction of Kinmen County by the ROC government following its civil war defeat and retreat to Taiwan. Matsu(马祖列岛)is the other set of islands on the Fujian coast controlled by the ROC.
Many Taiwanese businesspeople use the link through Kinmen to enter the Chinese Mainland as it is seen as cheaper and easier than entering through Hong Kong. However, this changed following the 2005 Pan-Blue visits to mainland China and the presidential and legislative victories of the KMT, that allowed easier Cross-Strait relations. Kinmen has experienced a considerable economic boom as businesspeople relocate to the island for easier access to the vast markets of the People's Republic of China.
Map of Kinmen County(金門縣)
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Today, the Kinmen County consist of Jincheng Township(金城鎮)、Jinhu Township(金湖鎮)、Jinsha Township(金沙鎮)、Jinning Township(金寧鄉)、Lieyu Township(烈嶼鄉)、Wuqiu Township(烏坵鄉). The first three are urban township or Zhen(鎮)and the last three are xiang(rural township鄉), so there are 3 urban township and 3 rural townships(三鎮三鄉).
All townships in Greater Kinmen Island are with their names start with Jin (金), which means "gold". Jincheng Township(金城鎮)、Jinhu Township(金湖鎮)、Jinsha Township(金沙鎮)、Jinning Township(金寧鄉). All these golden townships are in the Kinmen Island proper(金門島)or Greater Kinmen(大金門).
Wuqiu Township(烏坵鄉) comprises Greater Qiu Islet (大坵) and Lesser Qiu Islet (小坵).The location of the township, was closer to Taiwan island, and near to Meizhou Island(湄洲岛), Xiuyu District(秀屿), of Putian(莆田市), a prefecture level City. Meizhou Island is the legendary birthplace of the goddess Matsu and a famous pilgrimage site. The township, unlike other Kinmen townships is far away from the kinmen Island. The exact location can be seen from the map at Wuciou Township Office official website, http://www.kinmen.gov.tw/MultiMedia_ImageResize.ashx?guid=404cf53a-fa1b-4806-aaa9-88bbec7d2c40
Lieyu Township(烈嶼鄉)encompasses the entire Lesser Kinmen Island, it is next to Kinmen island(Big Kinmen), and is the closest to Xiamen. Lieyu Township (烈嶼鄉), commonly known as Lesser Kinmen (小金門) is located to the Southwest of main Kinmen Island in between main Kinmen and Xiamen. It is situated outside the mouth of mainland China's Jiulong river and inside Xiamen's harbor. The distance from mainland China at the closest point is only about 5000 meters and is located in a very strategic position. Lieyu also administers Dadan (大擔) and Erdan (二擔) islands, respectively 5 and 6 km to the southwest, Bilang Yu(檳榔嶼), and other islets. In 1950, Dadan was the site of a minor battle in the Chinese Civil War, "Battle of Islet Dadan". Tseng chenggong or Koxinga(郑成功)trained his anti-Manchu soldiers at the Dadan islets.
Binlang Yu(檳榔嶼) is small islet, but a development project with the inter-strait cooperation by mainland China and Taiwan is now taking place, it may be the good sign for strait relationship. In no time, the islet will be another tourism spot.
Hokkien dialects(福建话)
Southern Fujian is home to three main Hokkien dialects. They are known by the geographic locations to which they correspond (listed north to south):
Quanzhou (Chinchew, 泉州)
Xiamen (Amoy, 廈門), which is the mixture of Quanzhou and Zhangzhou.
Zhangzhou (Changchew, 漳州)
Many of the county's inhabitants speak Hokkien. Due to their previous political isolation, most residents will say they speak "Kinmenese", as opposed to "Taiwanese" as it is commonly called in Taiwan, though the two dialects are mutually intelligible. It is geographically very near Xiamen, no more than 2 kilometers. Taiwanese Hokkien is generally similar to Xiamen. Minor differences only occur in terms of vocabulary. Like Xiamen, Taiwanese Hokkien is based on a mixture of Zhangzhou and Quanzhou speech. The residents of Wuchiu Township however speak Puxian Min, as opposed to Hokkien for the rest of Kinmen. Wuchiu Township is not close to Kinmen Island, it is far from Xiamen and close to Putian.
Penang Hokkien (槟城福建话) is a local variant of Hokkien spoken in Penang, Malaysia. It is the lingua franca among the majority Chinese population in Penang as well as other northern states of Malaysia surrounding it, and is characterised by the pronunciation of words according to the Zhangzhou (漳州) dialect, together with widespread use of Malay and English borrowed words.
So with both Kinmen and Penang speak the Minnan dialect, linguistically they are the same, even with some tainted by local influence of Malay and English(Penang), and Japanese(Taiwan), they are still mutually communicable. It is not surprise to name an island Binlang Yu.
I am wondering if Admiral Zheng He had been to Xiamen, and visited Binglang Yu like Koxinga. He named Penang after Binlang Yu of Xiamen, now Kinmen. Pulau Pinang or Penang was named after direct translation of Binlang Yu. Can Betel nut and the name of Betel Nut Island(Penang)be from Taiwan?.....
So next time, if you meet a Chinese who said he is from Binlang Yu, do not mistaken that he is from Penang, Malaysia. He may be from Binlang Yu, Kinmen, Taiwan.
Kinmen People in Malaysia(大马金门人)
紀錄片落番 探金門人移民南洋史
There are Kinmen clan association or Kimmui kongsi, in Johor(馬來西亞柔佛州金同廈會館)、Malacca(馬六甲金門會館)、Selangor(巴生雪蘭莪金門會館).
槟榔同安金厦公会. Tong Aun Kim Har Association. 22, Lebuh Melayu, 10100 Penang. Tel: 604-261 0013, Fax: 604-261 0013.
I wonder is there any Kimmui clanhouse(金門會館)in Penang? and what is the number of Kimmui lang in Penang?....
Tan Sri Dato' Seri Yeoh Tiong Lay(楊忠禮), the founder of YTL Corporation Berhad, his son Tan Sri Dato' Seri (Dr) Francis Yeoh Sock Ping(楊肅斌)are famous Kimmui personality in Malaysia.
Kimmui Lang in Penang must be proud that the name of Penang is similar to an island in Kinmen.
If you feel like visiting another Penang in Kinmen, the following video may be useful for you.
If you can read Chinese, please visit 中华槟榔屿_互动百科, http://www.hudong.com/wiki/檳榔嶼;中华槟榔屿特别试验区揭牌仪式, http://www.gctaiwan.com/tequ/GB/201027/377.html; http://taconet.pixnet.net/blog/post/30707237-關注檳榔嶼的開發
1. 新加坡金门会馆, http://www.kimmui.com/
2. 烈嶼風情, http://www.jhes.km.edu.tw/902005/
3. 來去烈嶼, http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/princess-michelle/article?mid=2138&prev=2617&next=2046&sc=1
4. Islet Dadan, http://www.jhes.km.edu.tw/lieyu/english/content4/triver16.htm
By chance, I come across an article in the web, telling the story of another Binlang Yu(檳榔嶼 )in China. Politically the island belong to Taiwan. It is a small island. The island is located between Amoy or Xiamen(廈門)and Kinmen or Jinmen(金門). The other name for the island is Matsu Island(媽祖島), the name called by local people of Amoy(but not to confuse with The Matsu Islands(马祖列岛), a minor archipelago of 19 islands and islets in the Taiwan Strait administered as Lienchiang County (連江縣)).
This really surprise me. Officially it is called Zhong Hwa Binlang Yu(中华槟榔屿), Chinese Betel Nut Island.
Location of Xiamen(PR China), Kinmen Island and Penghu Island(ROC Taiwan)
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Map of Binlangyu
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Yu(嶼)in Chinese means island, Binlang(檳榔) is the name for betel nut. Taiwan and Penang was having popular habit of eating betel nut in the old days. Even today, betel nut is still popular in Taiwan, despite the habit is dying in Penang. Penang and Taiwan have betel nut culture. Logically it is not surprise to see the name of island named after betel nut.
Kinmen or Jinmen(金門)
Kinmen, also known as Jinmen and formerly as Quemoy, is a small archipelago of several islands administered by the Republic of China (Taiwan): Greater Kinmen, Lesser Kinmen, and some islets.
Administratively, it is Kinmen County of Fujian Province, ROC. The county is claimed by the People's Republic of China (PRC) as part of its own Fujian Province's Quanzhou Prefecture. Some islands of other counties, such as Wuchiu, were transferred to the jurisdiction of Kinmen County by the ROC government following its civil war defeat and retreat to Taiwan. Matsu(马祖列岛)is the other set of islands on the Fujian coast controlled by the ROC.
Many Taiwanese businesspeople use the link through Kinmen to enter the Chinese Mainland as it is seen as cheaper and easier than entering through Hong Kong. However, this changed following the 2005 Pan-Blue visits to mainland China and the presidential and legislative victories of the KMT, that allowed easier Cross-Strait relations. Kinmen has experienced a considerable economic boom as businesspeople relocate to the island for easier access to the vast markets of the People's Republic of China.
Map of Kinmen County(金門縣)
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Today, the Kinmen County consist of Jincheng Township(金城鎮)、Jinhu Township(金湖鎮)、Jinsha Township(金沙鎮)、Jinning Township(金寧鄉)、Lieyu Township(烈嶼鄉)、Wuqiu Township(烏坵鄉). The first three are urban township or Zhen(鎮)and the last three are xiang(rural township鄉), so there are 3 urban township and 3 rural townships(三鎮三鄉).
All townships in Greater Kinmen Island are with their names start with Jin (金), which means "gold". Jincheng Township(金城鎮)、Jinhu Township(金湖鎮)、Jinsha Township(金沙鎮)、Jinning Township(金寧鄉). All these golden townships are in the Kinmen Island proper(金門島)or Greater Kinmen(大金門).
Wuqiu Township(烏坵鄉) comprises Greater Qiu Islet (大坵) and Lesser Qiu Islet (小坵).The location of the township, was closer to Taiwan island, and near to Meizhou Island(湄洲岛), Xiuyu District(秀屿), of Putian(莆田市), a prefecture level City. Meizhou Island is the legendary birthplace of the goddess Matsu and a famous pilgrimage site. The township, unlike other Kinmen townships is far away from the kinmen Island. The exact location can be seen from the map at Wuciou Township Office official website, http://www.kinmen.gov.tw/MultiMedia_ImageResize.ashx?guid=404cf53a-fa1b-4806-aaa9-88bbec7d2c40
Lieyu Township(烈嶼鄉)encompasses the entire Lesser Kinmen Island, it is next to Kinmen island(Big Kinmen), and is the closest to Xiamen. Lieyu Township (烈嶼鄉), commonly known as Lesser Kinmen (小金門) is located to the Southwest of main Kinmen Island in between main Kinmen and Xiamen. It is situated outside the mouth of mainland China's Jiulong river and inside Xiamen's harbor. The distance from mainland China at the closest point is only about 5000 meters and is located in a very strategic position. Lieyu also administers Dadan (大擔) and Erdan (二擔) islands, respectively 5 and 6 km to the southwest, Bilang Yu(檳榔嶼), and other islets. In 1950, Dadan was the site of a minor battle in the Chinese Civil War, "Battle of Islet Dadan". Tseng chenggong or Koxinga(郑成功)trained his anti-Manchu soldiers at the Dadan islets.
Binlang Yu(檳榔嶼) is small islet, but a development project with the inter-strait cooperation by mainland China and Taiwan is now taking place, it may be the good sign for strait relationship. In no time, the islet will be another tourism spot.
Hokkien dialects(福建话)
Southern Fujian is home to three main Hokkien dialects. They are known by the geographic locations to which they correspond (listed north to south):
Quanzhou (Chinchew, 泉州)
Xiamen (Amoy, 廈門), which is the mixture of Quanzhou and Zhangzhou.
Zhangzhou (Changchew, 漳州)
Many of the county's inhabitants speak Hokkien. Due to their previous political isolation, most residents will say they speak "Kinmenese", as opposed to "Taiwanese" as it is commonly called in Taiwan, though the two dialects are mutually intelligible. It is geographically very near Xiamen, no more than 2 kilometers. Taiwanese Hokkien is generally similar to Xiamen. Minor differences only occur in terms of vocabulary. Like Xiamen, Taiwanese Hokkien is based on a mixture of Zhangzhou and Quanzhou speech. The residents of Wuchiu Township however speak Puxian Min, as opposed to Hokkien for the rest of Kinmen. Wuchiu Township is not close to Kinmen Island, it is far from Xiamen and close to Putian.
Penang Hokkien (槟城福建话) is a local variant of Hokkien spoken in Penang, Malaysia. It is the lingua franca among the majority Chinese population in Penang as well as other northern states of Malaysia surrounding it, and is characterised by the pronunciation of words according to the Zhangzhou (漳州) dialect, together with widespread use of Malay and English borrowed words.
So with both Kinmen and Penang speak the Minnan dialect, linguistically they are the same, even with some tainted by local influence of Malay and English(Penang), and Japanese(Taiwan), they are still mutually communicable. It is not surprise to name an island Binlang Yu.
I am wondering if Admiral Zheng He had been to Xiamen, and visited Binglang Yu like Koxinga. He named Penang after Binlang Yu of Xiamen, now Kinmen. Pulau Pinang or Penang was named after direct translation of Binlang Yu. Can Betel nut and the name of Betel Nut Island(Penang)be from Taiwan?.....
So next time, if you meet a Chinese who said he is from Binlang Yu, do not mistaken that he is from Penang, Malaysia. He may be from Binlang Yu, Kinmen, Taiwan.
Kinmen People in Malaysia(大马金门人)
紀錄片落番 探金門人移民南洋史
There are Kinmen clan association or Kimmui kongsi, in Johor(馬來西亞柔佛州金同廈會館)、Malacca(馬六甲金門會館)、Selangor(巴生雪蘭莪金門會館).
槟榔同安金厦公会. Tong Aun Kim Har Association. 22, Lebuh Melayu, 10100 Penang. Tel: 604-261 0013, Fax: 604-261 0013.
I wonder is there any Kimmui clanhouse(金門會館)in Penang? and what is the number of Kimmui lang in Penang?....
Tan Sri Dato' Seri Yeoh Tiong Lay(楊忠禮), the founder of YTL Corporation Berhad, his son Tan Sri Dato' Seri (Dr) Francis Yeoh Sock Ping(楊肅斌)are famous Kimmui personality in Malaysia.
Kimmui Lang in Penang must be proud that the name of Penang is similar to an island in Kinmen.
If you feel like visiting another Penang in Kinmen, the following video may be useful for you.
If you can read Chinese, please visit 中华槟榔屿_互动百科, http://www.hudong.com/wiki/檳榔嶼;中华槟榔屿特别试验区揭牌仪式, http://www.gctaiwan.com/tequ/GB/201027/377.html; http://taconet.pixnet.net/blog/post/30707237-關注檳榔嶼的開發
1. 新加坡金门会馆, http://www.kimmui.com/
2. 烈嶼風情, http://www.jhes.km.edu.tw/902005/
3. 來去烈嶼, http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/princess-michelle/article?mid=2138&prev=2617&next=2046&sc=1
4. Islet Dadan, http://www.jhes.km.edu.tw/lieyu/english/content4/triver16.htm
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Expert: Sadness that we cannot protect our heritage
张少宽:夷平盖房建楼 槟60%古墓让路发展
2011-03-07 13:12
珍贵史料化为尘埃 学者疾呼难引共鸣
梁超明:先进国立法保护 坟场变公园绿肺
槟州古迹信托基金会荣誉秘书梁超明指出, 在一个备有完善城市策划图的城市里,摧毁历史古坟是不被允许的。
(source: 南洋商报 李嘉雯独家报道(http://www.nanyang.com.my/node/339444)
2011-03-07 13:12
珍贵史料化为尘埃 学者疾呼难引共鸣
梁超明:先进国立法保护 坟场变公园绿肺
槟州古迹信托基金会荣誉秘书梁超明指出, 在一个备有完善城市策划图的城市里,摧毁历史古坟是不被允许的。
(source: 南洋商报 李嘉雯独家报道(http://www.nanyang.com.my/node/339444)
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Alternative views
There are always the other side of the story, there are always alternative views. Events and history will not happen in isolation, it was the result of the interaction between people, institutions, countries and environments. Some people become hero, just happen to be there, some people participated in the righteous agenda, but failed on the way, may be the timing is not right, or people are not ready to buy his ideas. Some people are capable to take opportunities and manipulate the situation to his advantages, and become a winner.
It was history, whether you like it or not; it was the real events that really happen in the past; the people were real. It may not meet some people's agenda, some of them may failed in their doing, for perceived good or bad, it was our history, you like it or not.....
They are part of our heritage, part of our history, they may not be a superman in popular culture, may not be idols in our political history, they may have gone unnoticed, forgotten, despised, hated, or even imprisoned or died on the way....
They are still our history, our real history; no one can take them away.....
Some become President of a new nation, some become a literature figure, some become a unionist, successful doctors, lawyers; some was forced away from their country, and returned only at old age; some died on the way of their struggle; some was disappointing for not able to achieve their objective, died of sadness and disappointment, yet some changed their path and become a millionaires or national leaders, having all glories and popularity.
Bad or good, it is for us to judge, in our individual way; no one will have the same view. We have alternative views, different views, no wrong or right, it was our history. No one can robbed away......and erased them from history....
wrong or right, does it matter to an individual? when it was all over, and when he was old and may no longer around. The implication of their involvement or their historical significance, it is for historian and future generation to judge.....
And only time can give them their ultimate destination, after 100 years, 200 years, or 1,000 years.....
Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka from fahmi reza on Vimeo.
Revolusi '48 (2008) documentary trailer from fahmi reza on Vimeo.
It was history, whether you like it or not; it was the real events that really happen in the past; the people were real. It may not meet some people's agenda, some of them may failed in their doing, for perceived good or bad, it was our history, you like it or not.....
They are part of our heritage, part of our history, they may not be a superman in popular culture, may not be idols in our political history, they may have gone unnoticed, forgotten, despised, hated, or even imprisoned or died on the way....
They are still our history, our real history; no one can take them away.....
Some become President of a new nation, some become a literature figure, some become a unionist, successful doctors, lawyers; some was forced away from their country, and returned only at old age; some died on the way of their struggle; some was disappointing for not able to achieve their objective, died of sadness and disappointment, yet some changed their path and become a millionaires or national leaders, having all glories and popularity.
Bad or good, it is for us to judge, in our individual way; no one will have the same view. We have alternative views, different views, no wrong or right, it was our history. No one can robbed away......and erased them from history....
wrong or right, does it matter to an individual? when it was all over, and when he was old and may no longer around. The implication of their involvement or their historical significance, it is for historian and future generation to judge.....
And only time can give them their ultimate destination, after 100 years, 200 years, or 1,000 years.....
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