Monday, June 28, 2010

Election is coming loh....

Election is coming loh.....some of the failed politician are now suddenly become active after their hibernation since the last election. Hibernation is a time when animals ‘sleep’ through cold weather, but political hibernation is a time when politician go to sleep when they were defeated in previous election. Their saying of people representative, service the people, stopped after no more YB before their name; even for full time politician. Without the title of YB, no service for people.......

Election is coming, there is another hope to become YB; the hibernation is over, the attraction of YB is too great to fall asleep again.

Not only the failed politician and political opportunists, the grasshoppers also become active, it is the time for jumping and political bargaining to secure their future. Otherwise they may not be selected for the next election, even voted to office by the people.

That is also the time to give their performance report; all will be recorded with black and white of what they are doing during their term of office.

Some commotion will happen in the ruling party as well as opposition, it is the time to attract attention from the boss, so that you will be selected as candidate for the coming election, or continue as the candidate in the current constituency. Some are eyeing for position, MB , Chief Minister, Cabinet Minister.... this is the time to kill or discredit your competitor's political life prior to the coming election.

The politician become active again; no more extremist remarks, suddenly all become very nice politician. They are just waiting for the chance to become all means.

Again, the money politic. Political money is going to move around, the bank account of the political party or politician will be flooded with fund to support their activities, political funding they called it. This is the source for corruption, the MACC, the anti corruption agencies should be active and on par with the activities, without fear or favor. The politician will nourish their hope for contract awarded again, for RM2 company, connected party transaction, politic-business interaction; more monies will be flowing.....

Ya, political promises, donation, allocation are coming....

This is the time the people must open their eyes, best to keep all the records of the politician, and give them the last lesson of their political life if they are opportunists, grasshoppers, extremists,.. and ..corrupted...POLITICIAN.

Dun closed our eyes, the future of your children is within your hand. Indonesia is coming up, Philippines may follow soon....where is our future position?

Think 3 times before you vote, open your eyes now.....

So politician, people are watching.... Be careful...