Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lung Yen Association, Penang(槟城龙岩会馆)

Lung Yen Association, Penang槟城龙岩会馆(established 1929)

The association is located at 211,Jalan Masjid Negeri 11600 Penang. Tel: 2828021

Lung Yen Association is in Green Lane, at 211, Jalan Masjid Negeri,116001 Pulau Pinang. But the Association also have a old art deco style building at the corner of Fish Lane and Malay Street, Georgetown.

It is a clan association for people from the district of Longyan(龙岩/龍岩) in Fujian province, China.

Longyan (龙岩/龍岩) is a prefecture-level city(地级市)in southwestern Fujian province, China. It is situated in the upper reaches of the Jiulong(九龙江) and Tingjiang rivers(汀江). Longyan borders on the municipalities Sanming(三明市) to the north, Quanzhou(泉州市) to the east, Zhangzhou( 漳州市)to the southeast, and the provinces of Jiangxi(江西省) and Guangdong(广东省) to the west and south respectively. The area is also part of Western Fujian or Minxi(闽西).

Earlier in 282 AD, its name was Xinluo counties(新罗县). In 736 AD, Tang Dynasty (唐朝)), the Tingzhou prefecture(汀州府)was established in western Fujian or Minxi (闽西)), administering Changting(长汀), Huanglian and Xinluo counties(新罗县). Six years later Xinluo was named Longyan for the nearby cavern, a famous scenic site. In 1912, Longyan was a district. In 1996, it become a prefecture level city.

Due to the ancient conflicts in central China and aggression from northern tribes, many Han people moved from central China to Longyan. These were the Hakka people. The city Changting (长汀), is often referred to as the home of the Hakka and the Tingjiang River (汀江) is known as the "mother river" of the Hakka people. Longyan is famous for it as the Home of Hakka People as Hakka people takes up 75% of entire population, but actually Longyan is more or less multicultural. For example, the dialect of Xinluo District (新羅區)is a language compromising approximately half Hakka and half Minnan dialect(閩南語), spoken in the southeast of Fujian province and whole Taiwan. However Zhangping City(漳平) is an area for Minnan dialect(閩南語區), a type of Zhangzhou dialect(漳州腔).

Lung Yen Association, Penang(槟城龙岩会馆)was established to cater for the social needs of Longyan people in Penang. The first or pioneer of Longyan came rather late to Penang, reported in 1908. The early kongsi established was Chang Yan Ching Ming Fook kongsi(苍岩清明福公司),set up in 1908. In 1925, the kongsi bought a building at No 11, MacNair Street(頭條路橫街)for 3,000 strait dollars. At the same time, board of governors and trusteeship were established for the kongsi. In 1928, the kongsi members suggested establsihing an association known as Lung Yen Association, Penang.Its registered address was at Malay Street

1929, November 11th, Lung Yen Association, Penang was officially established, formerly it was known as Chang Yan Ching Ming Fook kongsi(苍岩清明福公司), at 11, MacNair Street, Penang.It was officially opened by the Consul of China,Penang. Despite the formation of the clan association, the association was facing dual problems of membership shortage and financial difficulties. However the clan house was able to function under the said obstacles. In 1936, a Member Welfare Department was set up, and membership started to increase. In 1938, the clan association moved to new premise at 92, Malay Street, Penang, constitution of clan association, and association flag was drafted/designed, and the association was also active in social and donation campaign for the Sino-Japanese war.

During Japanese occupation, from 1941 to 1945, all clan association activities stopped; many members was killed and suffered during the war. The first AGM post war was held in 1945.

In 1950, a new premise at No 24, Malay Street was bought. An art deco style building was later constructed at the corner of Fish Lane and Malay Street,Georgetown. Lung Yen Association was active in sport, especially basketball, where the association have a strong team; musical room, and even a library for the members. The association even have a hostel facilities for the members and clan men from other states.

1954, a scholarship fund was established for the children of the clan association.

1979, a building fund campaign was launched, and finally a new building for the clan association was completed at 211, Green Lane, Penang on Dec 1980.

Lung Yen Association in Penang, however is dominated by people from Minnan dialect, few Hakka are the member, due to peculiarity that Penang is an area dominated by a localized Hokkian, a polluted type of Minnan dialect. Prior to formation of Lung Yen Association, most of the Lung Yen people joined Zhangzhou Association or Cheang Chew Association(槟榔屿漳州会馆). If they are Hakka, they joined Teo Chew Association (槟榔屿潮州会馆), established in 1855, and various clan houses like Tengchow Association (汀州会馆), Yongting Association, like She Foo Kongsi Ann Teng Tong (永定胡氏安定堂), Pertubuhan Yungting Utara Semenanjung(北马永定同乡会),and Hakka Association or Penang Khek Association(Persatuan Khek)(槟州客属公会).

From the history of the association, it revealed that the early pioneer of Lung Yen Association, Penang, were very farsighted. Tracing the history of their association moving from MacNair Street, Malay Street to Green Lane. They had followed the trends of the people movement from George Town to the suburb of Green Lane. They are able to maintain a healthy climate for the association with foundation of association building and clan activities. But despite that due to cultural changes of the younger generation, and the changing needs of modern clan men. Like the other clan houses in Penang, the Lung Yen Association, Penang is facing the problem declining membership and aging membership. This provide the threat for the surviving of the clan association.

Being a clan association for prefecture-level city(地级市), which now included Xinluo District(新罗区),Zhangping City(漳平市),Changting County(长汀县),Yongding County(永定县),Shanghang County(上杭县),Wuping County(武平县) and Liancheng County(连城县). Lung Yen Association, Penang can be an umbrella clan association for the respective clan houses from the said districts e.g. Tengchow Association (汀州会馆), Yongting Association, like She Foo Kongsi Ann Teng Tong (永定胡氏安定堂),Pertubuhan Yungting Utara Semenanjung(北马永定同乡会). These district clan association can become an associate members of the Lung Yen Association,Penang. Thus increase the membership of the association and facilitate the organization of clan activities.

Perhaps a marketing activities for the young members, and young professionals should be organized as an urgency effort.


槟城龙岩会馆于1929年11月11日成立,会址在槟城头条路横街门牌11号。本会馆前身为苍岩清明福公司,龙岩人南来源历史未及百年,1890 最先抵槟者为翁志鹏、陈水胜、陈水发兄弟及邱笃光诸氏。

1908年后,由于家乡治安欠佳,戚族相引,先后来槟者日众。是年由翁志鹏、陈水旺、陈水发、王瞻甫诸氏发起组织苍岩清明福公司(Chang Yan Ching Ming Fook kongsi),历年来向乡友募捐作为春秋两祭之用,祭祀余款则存入同乡商店以生利息。迄1925年存款已达3000余元,遂由翁碧齐、陈水旺、陈水发、章静波诸氏,以各不同数目乐捐凑足 4250元,购买头条路横街11号厝业一座,为苍岩清明福公司产业。同年11月1日,成立董事会,选出信理员8位负责管理之,并协理同乡一切福利事业,些 为龙岩会馆之出、雏形。
会馆成立初年,会员不多,经费短缺。但会馆尽力为同乡福利开展慈善工作。1936年,会馆附设互助部,龙岩乡亲踊跃入会。1938年,馆地迁入台牛后门牌 92号,会馆在郭廷方及全体董事的努力下,会务进展甚速,制定了会章、会旗、是年召开大会,通过新章程,并组织筹赈祖国伤兵难民委员会,支援抗日,筹款数 目为槟城当时社团之冠。
1941年马来亚沦陷,在日本统治时期,会馆停止活动。1945年,马来亚光复,会馆来年召开复兴典礼及会员大会。1947年,协助家乡龙岩高中募捐教 室、宿舍等。同年还成立北马救济家乡水灾委员会,募捐救济家乡灾民。1950年购买台牛后24号。1954年,郭廷方先生倡议设立“槟城龙岩会馆银喜教育 基金,”资助同乡清贫子弟,奖励成绩优良学生,此举为槟城首例,自1984年起,每年分发的奖助学金已达万元以上。
1979年由李良潮、倪子仲接任以来,会务多有兴革,积极开展乡谊联络工作,组织“春节慰问团”,北上吉打、玻璃市、南下吡叻、天定等地,后又先后访问新 加坡、吉隆坡、台湾等地,募备捐款,购买新会所。1981年12月,槟城龙岩会馆为青草巷新馆举行开幕典礼,新馆宽畅明亮,环境优美,屹立大道旁,受人注 目赞赏,实吾岩邦之光荣。


1. 槟城龙岩会馆廿二周年暨新厦落成纪念刊.http://libapps2.nus.edu.sg/sea_chinese/documents/Southeast%20Asian%20Chinese%20Historical%20Document/List%2011/Bin%20cheng%20long%20yan%20hui%2022/mu%20lu.pdf
2. 第五届世界龙岩同乡恳亲联谊大会纪实·开幕篇, http://www.fjxinluo.gov.cn/news/zhnews/201011/16720.shtml

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